Shurr! Success Blog

Becoming Unstoppable

Is Kindness A Useful Leadership Trait?

My oldest son and I spent the other day working on a new home for the non-profit, Habitat For Humanity. It was a hot day, and because we were the younger members of the volunteer crew that day, we opted to add the shingles to the roof.

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How To Shift From Anxious To Resilient In 60 Seconds!

Anxiety is a dreadful emotion that turns your stomach into knots as worst-case scenarios play out in the theatre of your mind like horror movies. Running out of money, getting a divorce, battling illness, family turmoil, unfair circumstances, and even being homebound over the last year can all keep you tossing and turning in the middle of the night. 

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Tim Shurr

7 Ways Mesmerizing Leaders Quickly Build Trust!

How do Mesmerizing Leaders build trust with employees? According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, more than half of employees worldwide, 63%, do not trust their leaders. Also, many employees do not believe in either the competencies or values of their fellow employees.

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Why Transformational Language Upgrades Happiness, Without It Feeling Phony

In my coaching and consulting profession, I do a lot of listening. Because of my skills as a Hypnotism and Neuro-Linguistics instructor, I’ve also learned to pay particular attention to the types of words and phrases people use to describe situations in their lives. There’s a part of your brain, the subconscious, that monitors your daily self-talk and uses what you say to filter how you think, feel, and behave each moment.

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3 Tips For Boosting Happiness Now!

When you ask what people most want in life, the typical answer is to be happy. Thus, it seems logical to clarify and reinforce the thoughts, behaviors, and activities that generate this emotion we call happiness.
Knowing which thoughts produce a sense of contentment, joy, or pleasure for you specifically is the first step towards living an intentionally happier life. 

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3 Steps For Removing That Chip From Your Shoulder

The idea that your life should be different or better than it currently is can either inspire you into action or destroy any chance of fulfillment and inner peace. If you do not like how your life is, use it as inspiration (believing you can improve) to provoke yourself into taking action to enhance it.

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3 Methods For Enhancing Self-Discipline

After asking 50 Hall Of Fame Speakers what their secret to success was, the primary response was discipline. The dictionary says discipline is the practice of training yourself to obey a code of behavior. My definition is conditioning yourself to follow through on an intentional set of actions regardless of whether you feel like doing it or not.

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