Shurr! Success Blog

Becoming Unstoppable

3 Ways To Go From Broke To Millionaire

Ever feel like you never have enough money? Some are born into families with accumulated wealth, but most grow up with just enough to pay the bills and put food on the table. My dad worked six days a week and often pulled doubles (two shifts) to earn $50k a year. The belief was that if you worked harder, you would make more money and have a better life. But the more money he made, the more my parents spent, so even though we had a comfortable life growing up, he never had time to enjoy it. My folks didn’t take classes on accumulating wealth or increasing emotional intelligence, and I’m not sure where they would have taken those classes back then anyway. Since faulty paradigms pass through the generational timeline, I made the same money mistakes. I worked 16-hour days, made a bunch of money, and spent it all on larger homes and fancier vacations. For years I was perpetually stressed about money because no matter how much I earned, it was never enough. On the outside, it looked like I was doing great, but on the inside (of me), I just felt broke at a higher level. The only habit that saved me from ending up dependent on the government or my children one day is my desire for continued learning and self-mastery. I’ve been going to the library and checking out audio programs on creating wealth, growing a business, increasing emotional intelligence, improving my marriage, being a

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3 Deadly Mistakes That Kill A Coaching Business

Being in the coaching and consulting business for 27 years, I’ve learned much about what makes or breaks personal/professional coaching, consulting, and network marketing businesses. The following three activities have kept me afloat through 9/11, financial market crashes, recessions, and a global pandemic, when 9 out of 10 coaching practices went out of business. First, you must develop bulletproof confidence to weather all the storms you will face, and you’ll need outside help to get there because you won’t see your blind spots. Self-sabotage, insecurity, procrastination, lack of focus, and imposter syndrome are battles you must win. Symptoms of deep-seated insecurities are not charging what you’re worth, giving away your services, a lack of clarity, too many goals, and consistently busting your butt with no apparent payoff or financial gain. Second, you must clarify what you offer, who your ideal client is, and how your unique approach will provide customers with their desired benefits better than any other method. After struggling with confidence, not having clarity is the most significant challenge for every business owner. We spend tens of thousands of dollars and hours trying to clearly express to prospects how we can bring value to their lives, and after all that effort, most attempts still fall flat. It’s heartbreaking, and you can go broke spinning your wheels trying to ride the next wave of marketing madness, whether it be FB ads, Linkedin campaigns, funnels, autoresponders, surveys, etc. You don’t need all the fancy bells and whistles when you have a strong hook, story,

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How To Make Life More Meaningful

Ti and the other young boys ran through the forest and gathered around the fence that surrounded the Men’s Hut. Spirits were high as this year’s class of teenage boys would take the ceremonial trip into the mysterious Men’s Hunt, where the community elders reveal all the universe’s secrets. Wonder and anticipation filled Ti and his fellow wide-eyed ten-year-old friends as they traded mesmerizing stories of what would transpire in the Men’s Hunt today! Then a wave of goosebumps surged up Ti’s body as he saw the flap of the Men’s Hunt quickly open and shut as a few of the community elders emerged to greet the line of young men who had completed the rituals from the night before. One of those teenagers was Ti’s oldest brother, Rae. Although fatigued from a night of hunting, physical challenges, meditating by the fire, and dancing, Rae’s eyes were as wide and bright as all the others who had gathered around to support them. The senior community leader then gave a short speech about the importance of today and invited Rae and the other initiates to join the elders in the Men’s Hut. Rae took a deep breath as he had been waiting eighteen years for this moment, and it was finally happening! Ti couldn’t contain himself anymore, and he and the entire community began yelling and cheering loudly for those who were about to be forever transformed by the magic and miracles waiting inside the Men’s Hut. Once everyone entered, the

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4 Communication Strategies That Strain Relationships At Work & Home!

In every conversation, you either strengthen or weaken the relationship with that person or team. According to a legendary family therapist, Virginia Satir, people develop five primary forms of communication in youth, four of which are dysfunctional! Here are the four types of dysfunctional communication styles. Placater – “As long as you’re okay, it’s all that matters.” Placaters hate conflict and tend to appease others rather than being honest and direct with how they feel or what they want. They unconsciously hope that if they behave the way others want them to, those people will give them the love or validation they seek. Yet, this rarely happens, which then causes a placater to behave in a passive-aggressive manner. “Sure, I’ll do more of your work for you…and then I’m going to turn it all in late!” As a result, they often feel sorry for themselves without realizing they are part of the problem. The unconscious motto of a pacifier is, “No matter what I do, it’s never good enough. Poor me.” Blamer – “It’s all your fault! It’s you, not me.” Blamers must always feel intelligent, competent, in charge, or not at fault, so they rarely own their mistakes or take accountability for poor outcomes. It’s always someone else’s fault, and they are easily angered. The unconscious motto of a blamer is, “I am surrounded by idiots and therefore have to do everything myself to get the job done right.” Distractor – “I’m too busy to deal with that.” Distractors consistently have too many irons in the

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5 Ways To Increase Team (and Individual) Productivity!

It was 9am on a foggy Monday morning when I walked into the conference room to observe a meeting with the leadership team. The company brought me in because there were numerous employee complaints about how they were treated poorly by their supervisors, which was negatively impacting employee productivity, engagement, and retention. They hired me to “fix” whatever was causing their issue with high turnover and low employee satisfaction survey scores. I quietly walked in, grabbed a chair in the corner, and observed the ten people sitting around a table in the center of the room. There was a lot of chatter and side conversations, and I wasn’t sure if the meeting had officially started. From what I could gather, a large customer job had gotten messed up, which cost the company five figures. Two department supervisors were arguing with each other about who was to blame. On multiple occasions, one person would be speaking, and then someone else would cut them off mid-sentence and either talk over them, or they would both be talking (and neither were listening). Feeling my heart rate accelerate, I peered around the table to see how others were reacting.A few participants sank in their chairs and stared at the table, probably biding their time until this nightmare meeting had concluded. Others seemed checked out as they scrolled on their phone underneath the table. After what felt like an eternity, the company President stood up like General Patton, and the room went uncomfortably silent. He

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7 Reasons We Resist Change

“Hypnosis. Really? That sounds like a bunch of BS to me. There’s nothing wrong. Besides, I’ve talked to head shrinks before, and all they want to do is talk about bad memories from the past. It doesn’t make anything better. Instead, I have to relive the past again, and that’s the opposite of what I want. I’ll figure it out on my own.” It’s common to think that our situation won’t improve or that things might get worse if we talk to someone about it. Resistance shows up each time you are about to do something that’s out of the norm, like talking to new people, visiting a foreign place, or beginning a program that modifies your routine. Resistance – the refusal to accept or comply with something. People resist change for various reasons, including: 1. They want to be right or fear looking wrong if they accept new information. 2. Fear that their situation could somehow get worse than it is. 3. There will involve physical or emotional pain during the transition. 4. Loss of control. 5. Lack of understanding as to why the change is necessary. 6. Believing they are already right in their knowledge of the situation or that it won’t improve even if they tried (fear of failure). 7. Poorly structured reward system (pain associated with changing and insufficient pleasure connected to new behavior or outcome.) Before developing my One Belief Away™ Method, I tried convincing people to change in various ways, including logic, reasoning skills

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Self-Deception Holding You Back?

“I’d rather have my baby in the street than go into that death hospital!” Expectant mother The year was 1847, and the death rate of mothers delivering their new baby had risen to 18% at a hospital in Vienne, Austria. Obstetrician, Dr. Sememelweis, researched day and night for the cause of this extreme post-mortality rate at his hospital. One day, he came across a paper written by a physician in another country proposing that “invisible bugs” were causing infection and death. The cure was using a combination of chloride and lime to terminate them. The paper also suggested that physicians unknowingly pass these bugs to their patients. Dr. Semmelweis was displeased with the suggestion that doctors might be unconsciously at fault, yet he pushed his ego aside to save his patients. He concocted the chloride of lime solution and proceeded to wash his hands before delivering babies, for this was not a standard procedure at the time. Almost immediately, the post-mortality rate for his patients dropped from 18% to 2%. Then he ordered all of his medical instruments to be washed in the chloride of lime solution before each procedure, and the mortality rate dropped to 1%. Dr. Semmelweis was both delighted and saddened. He was grateful for discovering the breakthrough solution yet horrified by the idea that such heartbreak was due to the doctor’s actions since their mission was to save lives. So he shared the news and enrolled all the doctors in adopting this new practice, they saved

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Are you a workaholic?

For much of my professional life, I’d open my eyes in the morning and go straight to the laptop to work. Then, I’d see clients during the day, hang out with my family for a few hours, and when they went to bed, I’d head back to the laptop until I couldn’t think clearly. That was my routine seven days a week for decades, and on most days, it still is. Hi, my name is Tim, and I’m a workaholic. I love helping people replace self-sabotage and anxiety with self-love and success-producing habits so that they can experience tremendous accomplishments and breakthroughs. Instead of watching sports, gardening, or racing cars, my hobby is writing books, creating programs, and teaching others how to make their dreams come true. So I don’t mind putting in the hours because it’s my passion. But if I’m being transparent with you, what drove me the most was figuring out how to make more money so I could pay off the month’s $15k AMEX bill. We become obsessed with making more MONEY. How do I get it, keep it, make more of it, and use it to regain our time and creative freedom? Pursuing more money takes away the desired freedom because you’re always working, and even though you may love what you do, it becomes a trap. Ironically, when I remove myself from that repetitive loop, that’s when prosperity seems to flow more effortlessly into my life. Instead of starting the day with work, I

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Ever feel like you never have enough money?

Ever feel like you never have enough money? Some are born into families with accumulated wealth, but most grow up with just enough to pay the bills and put food on the table. My dad worked six days a week and often pulled doubles (two shifts) to earn $50k a year. The belief was that if you worked harder, you would make more money and have a better life. But the more money he made, the more my parents spent, so even though we had a comfortable life growing up, he never had time to enjoy it. My folks didn’t take classes on accumulating wealth or increasing emotional intelligence, and I’m not sure where they would have taken those classes back then anyway. Since faulty paradigms pass through the generational timeline, I made the same money mistakes. I worked 16-hour days, made a bunch of money, and spent it all on larger homes and fancier vacations. For years I was perpetually stressed about money because no matter how much I earned, it was never enough. On the outside, it looked like I was doing great, but on the inside (of me), I just felt broke at a higher level. The only habit that saved me from ending up dependent on the government or my children one day is my desire for continued learning and self-mastery. I’ve been going to the library and checking out audio programs on creating wealth, growing a business, increasing emotional intelligence, improving my marriage, being a

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3 deadly mistakes that kill a coaching business

Being in the coaching and consulting business for 27 years, I’ve learned much about what makes or breaks personal/professional coaching, consulting, and network marketing businesses. The following three activities have kept me afloat through 9/11, financial market crashes, recessions, and a global pandemic, when 9 out of 10 coaching practices went out of business. First, you must develop bulletproof confidence to weather all the storms you will face, and you’ll need outside help to get there because you won’t see your blind spots. Self-sabotage, insecurity, procrastination, lack of focus, and imposter syndrome are battles you must win. Symptoms of deep-seated insecurities are not charging what you’re worth, giving away your services, a lack of clarity, too many goals, and consistently busting your butt with no apparent payoff or financial gain. Second, you must clarify what you offer, who your ideal client is, and how your unique approach will provide customers with their desired benefits better than any other method. After struggling with confidence, not having clarity is the most significant challenge for every business owner. We spend tens of thousands of dollars and hours trying to clearly express to prospects how we can bring value to their lives, and after all that effort, most attempts still fall flat. It’s heartbreaking, and you can go broke spinning your wheels trying to ride the next wave of marketing madness, whether it be FB ads, Linkedin campaigns, funnels, autoresponders, surveys, etc. You don’t need all the fancy bells and whistles when you have a strong hook, story,

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