Shurr! Success Blog

Becoming Unstoppable

How To Stop Worrying and Grow Your Business Faster!

Once upon a time, a girl around 14 approached her wise grandmother and asked, “Do you ever get scared?” Her grandmother smiled and replied, “Sure, everyone gets scared.” Visibly upset, the teen asked, “How do you deal with it? I can’t stop thinking about all the bad things that could happen.” Her grandmother replied, “Child, two wolves live in our minds. One is a bad wolf. It wants us to be afraid and tries to hold us back by conjuring dreadful images and thoughts. The bad wolf wants us to be small and remain in our comfort zone by reminding us of all the injustices that have happened, and could occur again, if we attempt to make life better. The other is a good wolf. It wants us to be courageous, shine brightly, and expand our comfort zone to grow and experience more of life’s joys. The good wolf encourages taking chances because only through experience can you gain the wisdom and confidence to know you can handle anything that comes your way. That is where inner security and peace of mind come from. These two wolves are constantly battling in your mind.” Curious, the teen asked, “Grandmother, which wolf will win? The good wolf or the bad wolf?” Seizing the opportunity, the grandmother looked deep into her eyes and, with great conviction, said, “The one you feed, child. Because that one will be the strongest!” As you know from all the emails, I’ve been working for months on my Practice

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Generational Wounds

My family and I flew to Indiana this past week to help my father-in-law pack up his house. After my wife’s mom passed, my father-in-law, Denny, decided that he could no longer stay in that home, so he sold it and is moving to Florida. Before we arrived, one of Denny’s friends, since the age of 20, came to give him a head start. So my son, who’s 15 years old, got to hang out all week with two men in their late 70s, and it was great. Those two guys are workhorses and always cracking jokes! They were the first ones up and the last ones to go to bed, and rarely did they stop moving, even though Denny’s friend had two heart attacks over the past few years. His friend told me, “The doctors say I have a bad heart so they want me to take it easy. I think it’s better that I exercise it.” And that’s what he did, regardless of what anyone told him. Their work ethic is something you don’t see as much these days, and they weren’t interested in praise. In fact, they seemed uncomfortable with it. This was a valuable experience, in spite of how horribly sad it was, because I noticed how many limiting beliefs came out of the post-World War II generation. I’ve worked incredibly hard to upgrade my mindset, awareness, behaviors, and habits so that I did not remain the kind of person I started out as. Yet, this

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The Dark Side Of Success (and A Silver Lining!)

You are an ambitious professional, small business owner, or goal-oriented achiever, right? And YET, what if: You still feel like you’re not as far along in life as you know you should be by now? And, maybe it also seems like, Even though you’ve never shied away from hard work ever; Always invested in yourself & dreams (i.e., paid your dues); and Made the tough decisions (and made the even tougher sacrifices because running into the fire is simply how you’re wired.) However, when it comes to making those big, meaningful dreams come true? Well, that’s an entirely different story, is it not? It’s like you got hit with the unworthy stick? Because you can’t seem to outrun those deep-seated insecurities, no matter what you try or do? You might also think you’re alone in this. Like it’s just you, but after 35 years (and my work with clients in over 15,000+ individual sessions), I can tell you with absolute certainty… You’d be stunned to discover that the majority of success-driven people (especially the ones you think have it all figured out), struggle daily with those same feelings of anxiety, self-doubt, and imposter syndrome because they feel unworthy deep inside, too. Most of us have dreamt of living the good life one day, haven’t we? I’m sure you want more than to only dream about having a successful career that makes the meaningful impact you know you’re supposed to (and are called to) have, right? And the promise of being able to

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Do You Have Regrets?

Sarah had always dreamed of being a writer. As a child, she spent countless hours crafting short stories and poems. But as Sarah grew older, she let fear and self-doubt hold her back. Sarah convinced herself she wasn’t talented enough and no one would be interested in her work. Now, at 50 years old, Sarah was filled with regret. She looked back on her life and saw a series of missed opportunities. She had a stable but unfulfilling job, a failed marriage, and a general dissatisfaction with her life. One day, Sarah stumbled upon an old notebook filled with her childhood writing. As she read through the pages, she felt a deep sadness, realizing her fear of failure held her back for far too long. Sarah decided to take action. She enrolled in a writing class and started working on a novel. But it wasn’t easy. She struggled with writer’s block and self-doubt. The process was slow and frustrating. At times, Sarah wanted to give up. She felt like it was too late for her to pursue her dreams but then remembered the regret she felt looking back on her life. So Sarah pushed forward because she didn’t want to feel that way again. Eventually, Sarah finished her novel. She was proud of the work she had created, yet couldn’t help but wonder how different her life would have been if she had taken action sooner. She realized that regret was a powerful motivator, but it was also a heavy

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The Personal Growth Industry Needs A Makeover

“I’ve been in therapy for nine years, and although my therapist has been helpful, I’m still battling with the same feelings of not being enough. I keep procrastinating and sabotaging my business, and it has to stop. I have lost so many opportunities, but I don’t know what to do. It feels like I haven’t gotten deep enough into the real issues that are blocking my growth. I’ve watched your testimonials and done a lot of research on you, and believe you’ll be the one who can finally help me get past this.” I hear stories like that every day, and it makes me so upset. Nobody should have to be in therapy for nine years and still feel the same way as before they started. Three significant issues are causing a major problem in the personal development industry. Traditional psychology and social work training provides outdated tools that produce poor and inconsistent client outcomes. They also aren’t equipping therapists with practice-building skills. Life coaching schools and Hypnotherapy certifications are flooding the market with students missing the same rapid transformation skills as psychologists and therapists. They also need more confidence and the business/marketing systems to grow a financially successful practice and create a more significant impact. Ego-driven characters and internet marketers are pumping out cheap NLP-knock-off certification programs that harm the personal development industry because people are tired of wasting money on poorly trained coaches and consultants. If everyone is an “expert” because they went through a $500 online course, that word has

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What I Learned From 149 Millionaires

Over the last eight weeks, I hung out with 149 millionaires. For a small-town, blue-collar kid from northern Indiana, that’s an insane statement to make. But it’s not that shocking (okay, it’s a little surprising) because I’ve been obsessed with personal development and discovering the mental secrets and business roadmap for creating financial freedom and inner peace for 35 years. Growing up, I didn’t care that much about being rich. In fact, I didn’t think that was an option for me. I just wanted to stop feeling scared all the time… …scared of being rejected, getting beat up, running out of money, having no friends, being alone, getting cheated on, and feeling like a loser. I only wanted more money because I thought those things wouldn’t happen to me anymore if I were rich and famous (which is false if you watch social media.) I’ve never been motivated by money but rather by the desire to be accepted and loved. However, as I grew up and experienced the pressures of having a mortgage, car payment, kids, unexpected medical bills, and the ups and downs of owning a business, the idea of financial independence became more desirable. So I read books like The Millionaire Next Door, How To Retire Rich, Die Broke, and hundreds of others. I also invested six figures into personal development seminars, hiring coaches, buying online courses, and participating in three mastermind groups over the last two months alone. Here are the 3 most important insights I gained from

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Business Growth Hacks – Stop Casting A Wide Net!

Once upon a time, there was a young fisherman named Jack. He lived in a small coastal village and would go fishing every day. However, despite his efforts, he often returned home with an empty barrel. One day, Jack met an old fisherman who had been fishing for many years. The old fisherman saw Jack’s struggles and decided to give him some advice. “You are trying to fish the entire ocean, my boy,” said the old fisherman. “You need to focus on one type of fish, learn everything about them, and use the bait they like to eat. Know when they eat, the temperature of the water, and where they gather. That’s how you fill your barrel with fish.” Jack took the old fisherman’s advice and focused on catching tuna. He learned everything he could about tuna, the best time and place to catch them, and the bait they liked to eat. He even learned how to adjust his fishing techniques to the temperature of the water and the best time of day. With a focused mind and a clear plan, Jack’s catch improved dramatically. He filled his barrel with tuna every day and soon became known as the best tuna fisherman in the village. Similarly, life coaches (therapists, hypnotists, etc.), business coaches, and wellness consultants (physicians, MLM, nutritionists, chiropractors, etc.) must focus on a specific niche and serve their ideal clients. By understanding your client’s specific needs, preferences, and pain points, you can tailor your products or services to

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The Future Is Here (& It’s Shocking!)

What’s Working Now Master Class “Practice Accelerator” Free Ticket! “The thing about AI is that it’s very hard to predict what the long-term consequences are going to be. It’s like the genie out of the bottle, you don’t know what’s going to happen.” – Jordan Peterson I spent the last two days in Las Vegas with some of the world’s most successful business owners and marketers. To give you an idea of the caliber of the group, I was standing in the lunch line on Friday and struck up a conversation with the guy behind me. As we got to know each other, he shared what he found to be working in advertising, that it costs three times more to convert prospects into customers, and why it’s about to get worse. Then he qualified his opinion by revealing that his advertising budget last year was one hundred million dollars. Yes, $100,000,000.00, spread across the numerous businesses his agency represents. The first challenge is that the world is full of noise because of technology, and we are bombarded with thousands of distractions and marketing messages every day. The second challenge is that on the internet, EVERYONE is an expert now, especially in the mental health profession. I’ve studied psychology, human behavior, and business growth best practices for 35 years. But, most importantly, I have facilitated over 16,000 individual coaching sessions and hundreds of company group training’s, plus impacted millions of people online. That real-world experience has given me tremendous insight into

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How To Free Yourself From Compulsive Behavior

“I’m not sure if you can help, but we are desperate. I have an 11-year-old son who pulls at his eyelashes when he gets nervous. It got so bad last year that he pulled all his eyelashes out, and the kids at school teased him relentlessly. Now he’s having trouble going to school, and it’s really affecting his self-esteem. We’ve tried taking him to a therapist, but that didn’t help, and the doctor just wanted to medicate him. But I’m not comfortable with that. So I got online to search for alternative approaches, and your name came up. I read several of your reviews, and you’ve helped people with lots of different issues like this. Do you think you can help my son?” The mind is mighty, and over the last several decades, pioneers like Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Fritz Perls, Milton Erickson, and Virginia Satir have given us a keen understanding of how the brain creates our subjective realities. I’ve been studying their work for 34 years and have applied their insights and strategies in over 15,000+ coaching sessions to find the precise formulas for changing habits and belief systems. As a result of all that experience, when that desperate mom called asking if I could help her son, I confidently replied yes. One week after our first 30-minute session, the mom and her son happily reported that he had not touched his eyelashes “not even one single time!” They were ecstatic with the positive outcomes, and the boy’s

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#1 Morning Mistake That Slows Down Productivity

For much of my professional life, I’d open my eyes in the morning and go straight to the laptop to work. Then, I’d see clients during the day, hang out with my family for a few hours, and when they went to bed, I’d head back to the laptop until I couldn’t think clearly. That was my routine seven days a week for decades, and on most days, it still is. “Hi, my name is Tim and I’m a workaholic.” I love helping people replace self-sabotage and anxiety with self-love and success-producing habits so that they can experience tremendous accomplishments and breakthroughs. Instead of watching sports, gardening, or racing cars, my hobby is writing books, creating programs, and teaching others how to make their dreams come true. So I don’t mind putting in the hours because it’s my passion. But if I’m being transparent with you, what drove me the most was figuring out how to make more money so I could pay off the month’s $15k AMEX bill. We become obsessed with making more MONEY. How do I get it, keep it, make more of it, and use it to regain our time and creative freedom? Pursuing more money takes away the desired freedom because you’re always working, and even though you may love what you do, it becomes a trap. Ironically, when I remove myself from that repetitive loop, that’s when prosperity seems to flow more effortlessly into my life. Instead of starting the day with work, I

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