Minute of Zen
Relax, unwind, and enjoy 60-seconds of peaceful bliss. It will make your whole day better!
Relax, unwind, and enjoy 60-seconds of peaceful bliss. It will make your whole day better!
This video will surprise you! It certainly surprised me!
Are you sitting there thinking, “Oh, crap. I do all of these!” Just change one of these things each week and you’ll effortlessly begin
sleeping better. Improving your sleep will definitely help you become the vibrant, attractive, healthy YOU!
Do you wish you were more organized? Truth is most of us could do better. Here are 7 things you can do to make your day more organized and productive!
1. Don’t act like a victim in your head! 2. Understand and validate the other person. 3. Keep the desired outcome in mind!
Great tips for making yourself more attractive to anyone! This includes relationships of any kind. Whether you’re married, dating, or developing business relationships!
1. Use the “2 Minute Technique” 2. Ask how you can make any activity more fun! 3. Make yourself accountable to others.
With the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics well underway, millions of spectators are marveling at the physical skill and talent of the athletes competing in the Games.
But behind these athletes’ physical feats is an arguably even more impressive mental prowess cultivated through years of training the mind to tune out distractions, reduce stress and anxiety and build the focus and stamina they need to achieve optimal performance. In fact, it’s not a stretch to say that great athletes succeed because they know how to stay at the top of their game mentally.