3 Deadly Mistakes That Kill A Coaching Business
Being in the coaching and consulting business for 27 years, I’ve learned much about what makes or breaks personal/professional coaching, consulting, and network marketing businesses. The following three activities have kept me afloat through 9/11, financial market crashes, recessions, and a global pandemic, when 9 out of 10 coaching practices went out of business. First, you must develop bulletproof confidence to weather all the storms you will face, and you’ll need outside help to get there because you won’t see your blind spots. Self-sabotage, insecurity, procrastination, lack of focus, and imposter syndrome are battles you must win. Symptoms of deep-seated insecurities are not charging what you’re worth, giving away your services, a lack of clarity, too many goals, and consistently busting your butt with no apparent payoff or financial gain. Second, you must clarify what you offer, who your ideal client is, and how your unique approach will provide customers with their desired benefits better than any other method. After struggling with confidence, not having clarity is the most significant challenge for every business owner. We spend tens of thousands of dollars and hours trying to clearly express to prospects how we can bring value to their lives, and after all that effort, most attempts still fall flat. It’s heartbreaking, and you can go broke spinning your wheels trying to ride the next wave of marketing madness, whether it be FB ads, Linkedin campaigns, funnels, autoresponders, surveys, etc. You don’t need all the fancy bells and whistles when you have a strong hook, story,