Georgia School Shooting Prevented Using Verbal First Aid!
(CNN) — As the kids trooped back into the suburban Atlanta elementary school that was stormed by a gunman earlier this week, everyone was talking about Antoinette Tuff.
(CNN) — As the kids trooped back into the suburban Atlanta elementary school that was stormed by a gunman earlier this week, everyone was talking about Antoinette Tuff.
One of the best videos ever made for teaching the importance of validating others. You win through helping others win! This is essential to transformational leadership and for living a high-quality, purpose-driven life! Enjoy! 🙂 Tim PS, You should share this video with your whole family!
Amazing sportsmanship! This is what I’m talking about! Watch and grab a tissue…
Bob Newhart did a classic skit where he was a highly paid psychotherapist. I always found this funny because some of it seemed so accurate. There’s nothing worse than someone telling you what you should do without also telling you how to do it!
Tips for becoming a millionaire from Wall Street Journal reporter who writes columns on building wealth. thought you might enjoy this. the advice is pretty straight-forward and applies to most any goal.
This relaxing video will relax your body and fill your mind with lots of positive affirmations!
In Earl Nightingale’s classic book, The Strangest Secret, he states, “The thoughts you hold consistently in your mind become your life!” In other words, “What you think about, comes about!”
Want to hear Earl tell you himself?
Great tips and stories for overcoming challenges, being persistent, and staying focused