Shurr! Success Blog

Becoming Unstoppable

Why Sarcasm Destroys Relationships

Sarcasm refers to the use of words that mean the opposite of what you want to say, especially to insult someone, convey irritation, or as an attempt to be humorous. An example of sarcasm is saying “they really got it together” to describe a disorganized group or team. Here are other examples that perhaps you’ve heard or said in the past. “If I had your brains, I’d be lost too.” “Is the princess feeling unappreciated again?” “Yes, you’ve had it so bad, haven’t you?” “I wish I had your problems?” “You wouldn’t know responsibility if it walked up and punched you in the nose.” “I’m sure it’s hard for you to listen with your head so far up your ass.” “Kids are to be seen, not heard, and usually not seen.” “I wouldn’t have to yell if I wasn’t surrounded by morons.” ​ Growing up in the seventies, it seemed like using sarcasm was the cool thing to do. We were constantly ripping on our friends and trying to one-up each other with the next cut down. It seemed funny, but often those jokes did cut emotionally. There were no limits to the shock value, and total humiliation seemed like the unspoken goal. Sadly, this hasn’t stopped even in a “cancel culture” society, and the results of this behavior are horrifying. Regular school shootings, youth suicide because of social media shaming, and other atrocities make my stomach sour. We want to blame guns and Smartphones, but the truth is that

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What To Do When Nothing Is Working!

“I can’t handle this stress anymore! No matter what I do, nothing is working. I’m spending money like crazy, I can’t work any harder, and have no idea what to do next! It feels like I’m dying inside.” Those were my thoughts back in 2002 when I lost my first office because there wasn’t enough business for me to pay the rent. I had those same feelings weeks after watching the second airplane fly into the New York tower on 9/11. Those fears surfaced again in 2009 when the housing market crashed, and we went into recession. Again, although not as bad, in 2020, because of the pandemic. You work hard to make a good living, strengthen your marriage, lose weight, instill self-esteem in your children, and get your bills paid off. And then, BAM, some new BS situation shows up and steals away all your progress. If you google this topic, the advice is all the same. “Don’t quit. Watch inspiring movies. Listen to motivational music and audiobooks. Exercise, meditate, and do yoga.” All of that is great, and I recommend this as well, but it’s not enough. Here’s the secret to manifesting opportunities, creating miracles, or attaining BIG goals. Find the limiting belief (fear) that’s holding you back, upgrade it, and then program your brain to notice or “tune in” to the opportunities in front of you that are currently invisible. A radio can “tune in” to specific soundwaves (frequencies) that are invisible to the naked eye. The

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Veterans, PTSD & Hypnosis

Growing up, I had two best friends named Tim.

That’s right; we were the 3 Tims. (kinda scary, if you knew me back then.) 🤣

I was co-captain on our high school swim team with one of the Tims. I’ll refer to him as “Timmer” because that’s what I called him.

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Setting Effective Boundaries

I was asked to answer questions for a group of brilliant professionals in Canada this week.

Their book club is reading my One Belief Away book, which is awesome!

One of the questions was, “how do you set boundaries with people who are negative or takers (always taking, but never giving back)?”

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Living Authentically?

Several times per week, I sit in the parking lot outside my youngest son’s jujitsu class, and while he’s learning how to put me in another chokehold or armbar, I write books and newsletters.

In a busy house with two teen boys, the only quiet time is usually in the car or the smallest room in our home. But the seat in there isn’t as comfortable. 😉

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Own Your Attitude!

Before becoming a famous movie director, James Cameron started his career as a special effects modeler.

He was a brilliant designer and also a perfectionist to the extreme.

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Do Less Better!

High-achievers focus on a single priority and move everything else to the side, including checking emails.

They train themselves to solve one problem with passion instead of multitasking or trying to do it all. Think laser beam, not a floodlight.

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Do You Recognize These Circles of Behavior?

“I can’t seem to escape this cycle! First, I get excited about my new goal and by the end of the day I’m back to procrastinating and hating myself for it. I’ve done so much work on myself, and yet, I’m still battling the same lack of focus that I had ten years ago. Why do I keep procrastinating? What is wrong with me?”

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What To Do When You Feel Lost Or Anxious…

“It feels like I’m constantly holding myself back. If I try to relax instead of chasing my business or personal goals, it feels like I’m letting myself down. Yet, if things start going too well, I feel gripped by anxiety, like something bad will happen if I shine too brightly.

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