For much of my professional life, I’d open my eyes in the morning and go straight to the laptop to work.

Then, I’d see clients during the day, hang out with my family for a few hours, and when they went to bed, I’d head back to the laptop until I couldn’t think clearly.

That was my routine seven days a week for decades, and on most days, it still is.

“Hi, my name is Tim and I’m a workaholic.”

I love helping people replace self-sabotage and anxiety with self-love and success-producing habits so that they can experience tremendous accomplishments and breakthroughs.

Instead of watching sports, gardening, or racing cars, my hobby is writing books, creating programs, and teaching others how to make their dreams come true.

So I don’t mind putting in the hours because it’s my passion.

But if I’m being transparent with you, what drove me the most was figuring out how to make more money so I could pay off the month’s $15k AMEX bill.

We become obsessed with making more MONEY.

How do I get it, keep it, make more of it, and use it to regain our time and creative freedom?

Pursuing more money takes away the desired freedom because you’re always working, and even though you may love what you do, it becomes a trap.

Ironically, when I remove myself from that repetitive loop, that’s when prosperity seems to flow more effortlessly into my life.

Instead of starting the day with work, I (80% of the time) focus on recharging my (mental & physical) batteries with a “refresh” routine.

Examples include:

Warning! You will wander off this path and find yourself back in the routine of working 16-hour days because of some problem, new debt, lack of clients, etc.

When you realize it, as quickly as possible, PIVOT back to chasing experiences, keeping a morning “refresh” routine, and investing some of your creative energy into strengthening personal relationships.

Today is the perfect day to begin.

Tim Shurr

Your Success Coach

PS, Even the most passionate and intelligent leaders, like you, often get stuck when it comes to gaining more clients, increasing wealth, and having time-freedom. Or, perhaps your business is strong, but you have a bad habit or personal struggle from the past that keeps you from growing to the next level.

That’s why for the last 34 years as an Executive Mind Coach, I’ve worked with Fortune 500 companies, industry legends like Les Brown, Denis Waitley, and Joe Vitale, and have freed the highest-performing business owners from insecurities, imposter syndrome, or self-sabotaging behaviors so that they can increase wealth and enjoy more calm and inner peace.

For the quickest results, I’d love to offer you a free ‘Breakthrough Clarity Session’ with me.

During this brief call, you’ll discover:

1. Where your most significant growth opportunities and breakthroughs are hiding

2. What blind spots are interfering with your prosperity or peace of mind

3. The #1 neuro-shifting technique you can use to quickly accelerate your success

I guarantee you’ll end the call with valuable strategies and a clear understanding of how to uplevel your results.

Are you interested?


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