7 reasons entrepreneurs resist change

“Hypnosis. Really? That sounds like a bunch of BS to me. There’s nothing wrong. Besides, I’ve talked to head shrinks before, and all they want to do is talk about bad memories from the past. It doesn’t make anything better. Instead, I have to relive the past again, and that’s the opposite of what I […]

Join the 8%

To attain a goal, one must demonstrate courage. Courage is the emotion used to charge forward even when acquiring the desired outcome is not guaranteed. What stops people from being courageous is often not fear but conformity. Conformity is when the actions of your peer group influence how you show up in life. In simple […]

Why aren’t you upset?

“You’re in a new state where you don’t know anyone. It’s twice as expensive with gas still over $6 a gallon. You are under the threat of fires, earthquakes, monkeypox, and drought. There is no guarantee that you’ll find new speaking opportunities or celebrity clients. Doesn’t that upset you?” Client “Sure, but are you focusing […]

The Entrepreneur Way

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; ​ Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was […]

Do what you hate!

A popular notion surfaced over the last decade that you shouldn’t do anything you don’t want to do. Perhaps that’s why we now have an employee shortage across the country. Of course, encouraging the idea of avoiding challenging tasks is ridiculous. How can you accomplish difficult, worthwhile goals without showing up, even when you don’t […]

Own Your Attitude!

Before becoming a famous movie director, James Cameron started his career as a special effects modeler.

He was a brilliant designer and also a perfectionist to the extreme.

4 Life Mottos That Free You From Burnout!

Use the following 4 Mottos to increase confidence, resiliency, and happiness regardless of the situations you may face.
1. Learn From Any Situation | 2. Laugh It Off | 3. Let It Go | 4. Love & Encourage Yourself

Is Kindness A Useful Leadership Trait?

My oldest son and I spent the other day working on a new home for the non-profit, Habitat For Humanity. It was a hot day, and because we were the younger members of the volunteer crew that day, we opted to add the shingles to the roof.

Why Transformational Language Upgrades Happiness, Without It Feeling Phony

In my coaching and consulting profession, I do a lot of listening. Because of my skills as a Hypnotism and Neuro-Linguistics instructor, I’ve also learned to pay particular attention to the types of words and phrases people use to describe situations in their lives. There’s a part of your brain, the subconscious, that monitors your daily self-talk and uses what you say to filter how you think, feel, and behave each moment.