5 Words That Crush Inspiration and What To Say Instead

There are two types of attitudes people support. The 1st says, “I’m waiting until I feel like taking action before I do something.” The 2nd says, “I’m taking action so that I feel like doing it!” One waits while the other wins.

Unless you realize your attitude about life is a choice rather than a result of your genetics or childhood, you will not believe it is a decision. Instead, you’ll tell yourself, “These are the facts, and you’re delusional if you think it’s anything else.”

My Personal 3-Step Formula For Achieving Goals Faster!

One day a farmer walked over to an old well on his property.

The well water had dried up, so he grabbed a shovel and a few of his farm hands to help him fill the well with dirt.

As they approached the well, the men heard a high pitch wining coming from the well.

What Is Your Life’s Blueprint?

How do you think 2022 is going to go?

I’ll give you a clue.

It will go however YOU decide it will go!

There is so much we cannot control…

Yet, the most important item you DO have direct influence over is your attitude.

One Idea That Will Fill Your Life With Prosperity & Happiness!

What will you remember most about 2021?

I’ll cherish all the exciting breakthroughs and the profound sense of emotional freedom my clients experienced!

There is a shift that’s occurring on the planet.

People are beginning to realize they have more choice over their quality of life.

10 Core Beliefs That Make Your Dreams Come True!

I was providing executive coaching for a young leader the other day and he said, “I’m nervous that I won’t be able to handle all the new responsibilities. I’m in charge of a lot of people now and I’ve been losing sleep worrying about it.”

“An essential part of being a mesmerizing leader is knowing how to effectively lead yourself,”

3 Ways To Create Bulletproof Confidence!

Bulletproof Confidence!

Bulletproof Confidence is a state of mind that requires developing an inner sense of security and strength. It’s fueled by a belief that you are good, smart, and resourceful enough to make bold decisions and course corrections, without needing to belittle yourself if things don’t work out on the first try.

People Are Making Dreams Come True Doing This One Thing!

dreams comes true

During a SPARKS (TED inspired speech) talk in December, I revealed the one key characteristic all happy, successful people share that led to their dream of becoming a reality! People Are Making Dreams Come True Doing This One Thing! I hope you enjoy this and that it inspires YOU to believe in yourself and what’s possible for you!

Taking The Road Less Traveled…

Taking The Road Less Traveled

What does it mean taking The Road Less Traveled? For years, we’ve talked about the importance of constant and never-ending self-improvement. Because you live your life in your head, developing greater self-awareness, expanding your perspective, and discovering how to use the power of your mind to create your life by design is crucial if you want to feel happy, fulfilled, and successful.