5 Words That Crush Inspiration and What To Say Instead
There are two types of attitudes people support. The 1st says, “I’m waiting until I feel like taking action before I do something.” The 2nd says, “I’m taking action so that I feel like doing it!” One waits while the other wins.
Unless you realize your attitude about life is a choice rather than a result of your genetics or childhood, you will not believe it is a decision. Instead, you’ll tell yourself, “These are the facts, and you’re delusional if you think it’s anything else.”
Are Your Words Empowering Or Destructive?
Are you focused on the outcome you want? Or does your internal communication emphasize what you’re wanting to avoid?
These an important questions because whatever you focus on, you move towards!
Are You A Good Boss?
You are the boss of yourself. You decide when you get up, when you go to sleep, and what you do in between that time. Sure, you have responsibilities, chores, and expectations from others to deliver upon. Yet, what you focus on and how you behave are up to you.
How To Be An Influencer Without Power, Authority, Or A Title!
I’ll be speaking again (virtually) at the Indiana State SHRM Convention. Attendees have the opportunity to ask pre-conference questions about my topic of Becoming An Influencer! I received an excellent question and wanted to share my answers with you!
“Tim, the ability to influence without official power or authority is more important than ever. Do you have any pre-conference tips before we attend your session?”
My response…
Are You Working Hard To Stay Broke?
My friend, Randy Gage, wrote another powerful article that challenges those who blame their lack of prosperity on anything else but their own actions. I was broke for much of my life and it was mostly because of my “broke mentality” rather than on the people, places, and events that I blamed for my circumstances. Check out Randy’s article below and let me you what you think.
10 Core Beliefs That Make Your Dreams Come True!
I was providing executive coaching for a young leader the other day and he said, “I’m nervous that I won’t be able to handle all the new responsibilities. I’m in charge of a lot of people now and I’ve been losing sleep worrying about it.”
“An essential part of being a mesmerizing leader is knowing how to effectively lead yourself,”
Can You Really Attract Money And Prosperity?
My friend, and Prosperity Guru, Randy Gage, recently wrote this article and I want to share it with you. Randy started with nothing and had a difficult time communicating as a kid. Then, through a series of powerful events over the course of his life, he went on to write 13 books and become a Wall Street Journal multiple best-selling author! Now he helps others overcome the hurdles in life that keep them from attracting prosperity into their lives. Enjoy his article and then take the PQ test at the end! (Your results may surprise you…)
3 Ways To Create Bulletproof Confidence!
Bulletproof Confidence is a state of mind that requires developing an inner sense of security and strength. It’s fueled by a belief that you are good, smart, and resourceful enough to make bold decisions and course corrections, without needing to belittle yourself if things don’t work out on the first try.
Leadership Training V1 – Why Self-Deception Crushes Productivity & Morale! – Tim Shurr
Questions? (877) 944-4673 / (317) 502-5293 / tim@timshurr.com
Are You Committing These Top 7 Communication Mistakes? Take The Quiz and Find Out!
Effective communication has always been a hot topic in leadership and sales training curriculum. What does it mean to be an effective communicator? Before sharing my perspective, take the short quiz below and see if you make any of these common communication mistakes.