My friend, and Prosperity Guru, Randy Gage, recently wrote this article and I want to share it with you. Randy started with nothing and had a difficult time communicating as a kid. Then, through a series of powerful events over the course of his life, he went on to write 13 books and become a Wall Street Journal multiple best-selling author! Now he helps others overcome the hurdles in life that keep them from attracting prosperity into their lives. Enjoy his article and then take the PQ test at the end! (Your results may surprise you…)


Ever since The Secret debuted, there’s been much debate over our ability to attract money and material things, and how much control we have over manifesting prosperity in general.  With all of the crazy surprises 2020 is throwing at us, it’s a great time to revisit this discussion. There are really two dynamics at play here.  Let’s break them down…

The first dynamic is energy and the laws of physics… 

If we find the world’s smartest physicist and asked her the base nature of all things, she would say energy.  More specifically, energy vibrations.  That would include money and material things as well.  Because they are energy, we know they can be attracted or repelled.  That doesn’t mean you can lay in your recliner watching The Bachelor thinking about a Lamborghini and it will magically drive itself into your garage.  That’s not physics, it’s crazy talk.  But you certainly can exude negative or positive energy toward money and wealth.  This will be created by your core beliefs about them.

Think back to when you first developed a relationship with money and what emotions that involved.  The odds are very high that you did this through your parents – how they felt and talked about money.  Now try and remember the expressions they used with you when you were a child.  Were they statements like:

Money and materials things are wonderful, and they can bring great joy to your life.  Never affirm statements like, “It’s just money,” or “They’re just things.”  Remember all things (including money) at their core are energy vibrations and statements like that will repel their energy.

Next, reflect on how your family felt about rich people in general.  Did they talk about wealthy people with jealousy or in a disdainful way? Most families have a “rich uncle” or other wealthy person in it.  If yours did, how were they viewed and spoken about by the rest of the family?

Then we have to uncover all of the subconscious programming you have about money and material possessions – and the negative beliefs and emotions that are associated with them.  This is all the programming you receive from TV, social media, books, movies and other entertainment, and even from government, the education system, and organized religion.  I written about this a lot and won’t repeat it.  If you missed it, check out this post here.  (Even kids raised in wealthy families can feel guilty and create negative emotions about prosperity because of the anti-rich programming in popular culture.)

In either event, here are some questions worth some critical thought…

How have the emotions you first felt about money as a child influenced the way you live your life today? How much did your relationship and emotions regarding money influence the major decisions in your life – such as what college you attended, the career you chose, who you married (or divorced), and whether you live life seeking opportunities to excel or simply playing not to lose?   If you had to quantify your current relationship with money and the corresponding emotion you feel about it – are they positive or negative?

Once you answer that last question, you’ll know if you are actually repelling or attracting prosperity.  The second dynamic for attracting money and prosperity is intention and the power of mind. We’ll explore that on the next post.  In the meantime, I would love to see your thoughts below.

Peace, – RG

What Is Your PQ?

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