Are you a dysfunctional communicator?

In every conversation, you either strengthen or weaken the relationship with that person or team. According to a legendary family therapist, Virginia Satir, people develop five primary forms of communication in youth, four of which are dysfunctional! Here are the four types of dysfunctional communication styles. Placater – “As long as you’re okay, it’s all that […]
How top business leaders attain goals

It was 9am on a foggy Monday morning when I walked into the conference room to observe a meeting with the leadership team. The company brought me in because there were numerous employee complaints about how they were treated poorly by their supervisors, which was negatively impacting employee productivity, engagement, and retention. They hired me […]
Is Kindness A Useful Leadership Trait?

My oldest son and I spent the other day working on a new home for the non-profit, Habitat For Humanity. It was a hot day, and because we were the younger members of the volunteer crew that day, we opted to add the shingles to the roof.
7 Ways Mesmerizing Leaders Quickly Build Trust!

How do Mesmerizing Leaders build trust with employees? According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, more than half of employees worldwide, 63%, do not trust their leaders. Also, many employees do not believe in either the competencies or values of their fellow employees.
Are Your Words Empowering Or Destructive?

Are you focused on the outcome you want? Or does your internal communication emphasize what you’re wanting to avoid?
These an important questions because whatever you focus on, you move towards!
Are You A Good Boss?

You are the boss of yourself. You decide when you get up, when you go to sleep, and what you do in between that time. Sure, you have responsibilities, chores, and expectations from others to deliver upon. Yet, what you focus on and how you behave are up to you.
How To Be An Influencer Without Power, Authority, Or A Title!

I’ll be speaking again (virtually) at the Indiana State SHRM Convention. Attendees have the opportunity to ask pre-conference questions about my topic of Becoming An Influencer! I received an excellent question and wanted to share my answers with you!
“Tim, the ability to influence without official power or authority is more important than ever. Do you have any pre-conference tips before we attend your session?”
My response…
10 Core Beliefs That Make Your Dreams Come True!

I was providing executive coaching for a young leader the other day and he said, “I’m nervous that I won’t be able to handle all the new responsibilities. I’m in charge of a lot of people now and I’ve been losing sleep worrying about it.”
“An essential part of being a mesmerizing leader is knowing how to effectively lead yourself,”
6 Ways Mesmerizing Leaders Quickly Build Trust!

How do Mesmerizing Leaders build trust with employees? More than half of employees worldwide, 63% according to the Edelman Trust Barometer, do not trust their leaders. Also, many employees do not believe in either the competencies or values of their fellow employees. This blatant lack of mistrust is what creates silos, disrespectful communication, and the departmental finger-pointing that weakens productivity and morale in the workplace.
Do You Have These 5 Leadership Blind Spots?

Leadership blind spots. We all have them, and yet, it’s challenging to recognize and upgrade them on your own because we can’t see them. Hence the word “blind.” Peak performance coach, Scott McFall, once said, “You can’t see the label when you’re in the bottle!”
Below are a few collective leadership blind spots the majority of leadership and management teams struggle with today.