3 Steps For Dealing With Rude Parents

(To watch the One Final Mission webinar replays, click here.) “That haircut looks stupid and if nobody else is going to tell you, I will.” “You can’t let your kids get away with that behavior. You need to know how to discipline them.” “You keep eating like that and your weight is going to get […]

Why Sarcasm Destroys Relationships

Sarcasm refers to the use of words that mean the opposite of what you want to say, especially to insult someone, convey irritation, or as an attempt to be humorous. An example of sarcasm is saying “they really got it together” to describe a disorganized group or team. Here are other examples that perhaps you’ve […]

What To Do When Nothing Is Working!

“I can’t handle this stress anymore! No matter what I do, nothing is working. I’m spending money like crazy, I can’t work any harder, and have no idea what to do next! It feels like I’m dying inside.” Those were my thoughts back in 2002 when I lost my first office because there wasn’t enough […]

4 Life Mottos That Free You From Burnout!

Use the following 4 Mottos to increase confidence, resiliency, and happiness regardless of the situations you may face.
1. Learn From Any Situation | 2. Laugh It Off | 3. Let It Go | 4. Love & Encourage Yourself

One Belief Away From Conquering Your Fear Of Public Speaking

Speaking With Ease (Speaker Success Coaching Program)

Some of the most successful speakers in the world happen to be friends of mine.  I’ve studied their presentation skill for years. You likely have as well if desiring to expand your reach as a professional speaker. Yet, it’s not charisma, wisdom, or energy that moves someone into the big leagues.

10 Core Beliefs That Make Your Dreams Come True!

I was providing executive coaching for a young leader the other day and he said, “I’m nervous that I won’t be able to handle all the new responsibilities. I’m in charge of a lot of people now and I’ve been losing sleep worrying about it.”

“An essential part of being a mesmerizing leader is knowing how to effectively lead yourself,”

3 Ways To Create Bulletproof Confidence!

Bulletproof Confidence!

Bulletproof Confidence is a state of mind that requires developing an inner sense of security and strength. It’s fueled by a belief that you are good, smart, and resourceful enough to make bold decisions and course corrections, without needing to belittle yourself if things don’t work out on the first try.

People Are Making Dreams Come True Doing This One Thing!

dreams comes true

During a SPARKS (TED inspired speech) talk in December, I revealed the one key characteristic all happy, successful people share that led to their dream of becoming a reality! People Are Making Dreams Come True Doing This One Thing! I hope you enjoy this and that it inspires YOU to believe in yourself and what’s possible for you!

Is Your BS Keeping You Stuck?

Your beliefs about yourself, others, and the world around you determine whether you will succeed or fail in life. Positive thinking is not enough because you won’t believe what you’re telling yourself. It’s like cutting the top off of a weed. You need to get to the root system or the weed will just keep growing back!

In this blog post, I’ll teach you how to uncover self-limiting beliefs and upgrade them so you can fully become the brilliant human being that you are!