A Solution For Generalized Anxiety For Business Owners!

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, where growth and success are the ultimate goals, it’s easy for self-doubt and anxiety to creep in. As coaches and consultants in the people-helping profession, our ability to support others relies heavily on our own emotional well-being. Developing a mindset of generalized confidence can not only fuel our personal […]
A Cheesy Tale For Overcoming Self-Sabotaging Fears In Business

Once upon a time, in the cozy little town of Wobbleton, there lived a clumsy but determined mouse named Marvin. Now, Marvin had a tiny problem. He had an intense fear of heights. Even climbing up a chair made him tremble like a leaf. One sunny morning, the mayor of Wobbleton announced a grand cheese […]
Fatherly Advice For Growing Your “People-Helping” Business

I had a rocky relationship with my dad. Growing up, he was a nice guy and the most liked father in our neighborhood. Yet, he was also aloof, always busy with work or in the garage, and when my parents divorced, it got worse. I often asked him to be more active in our relationship […]
Is Imposter Syndrome Dimming Your Light?

(Names and details are modified to protect the identity of our clients. If any details seem familiar it’s because many of us have similar experiences.) Julie’s eyes shimmered with a mixture of hope and trepidation as we began our journey together. Her small business had hit a plateau, and she yearned to break free from […]
How To Free Yourself From Compulsive Behavior

“I’m not sure if you can help, but we are desperate. I have an 11-year-old son who pulls at his eyelashes when he gets nervous. It got so bad last year that he pulled all his eyelashes out, and the kids at school teased him relentlessly. Now he’s having trouble going to school, and it’s […]
#1 Morning Mistake That Slows Down Productivity

For much of my professional life, I’d open my eyes in the morning and go straight to the laptop to work. Then, I’d see clients during the day, hang out with my family for a few hours, and when they went to bed, I’d head back to the laptop until I couldn’t think clearly. That […]
How To Make Life More Meaningful

Ti and the other young boys ran through the forest and gathered around the fence that surrounded the Men’s Hut. Spirits were high as this year’s class of teenage boys would take the ceremonial trip into the mysterious Men’s Hunt, where the community elders reveal all the universe’s secrets. Wonder and anticipation filled Ti and […]