Why Transformational Language Upgrades Happiness, Without It Feeling Phony

In my coaching and consulting profession, I do a lot of listening. Because of my skills as a Hypnotism and Neuro-Linguistics instructor, I’ve also learned to pay particular attention to the types of words and phrases people use to describe situations in their lives. There’s a part of your brain, the subconscious, that monitors your daily self-talk and uses what you say to filter how you think, feel, and behave each moment.

Can Your Language Be Ruining Your Life?

Can the way you talk be keeping you from living a happier, more fulfilling life? Communication expert, Tim Shurr, MA, says YES, and on today’s show, he shared tips for creating greater health, wealth, and peace of mind just by the way you speak!

The Power Of Words!

I wrote the saying, but in different words.” The words you use to describe your experiences actually co-create the experience. Change your words and you will change your life!