Self-Deception Holding You Back?

“I’d rather have my baby in the street than go into that death hospital!” Expectant mother The year was 1847, and the death rate of mothers delivering their new baby had risen to 18% at a hospital in Vienne, Austria. Obstetrician, Dr. Sememelweis, researched day and night for the cause of this extreme post-mortality rate […]
Self deceived?

“I’d rather have my baby in the street than go into that death hospital!” Expectant mother The year was 1847, and the death rate of mothers delivering their new babies had risen to 18% at a hospital in Vienne, Austria. Obstetrician, Dr. Sememelweis, researched day and night for the cause of this extreme post-mortality rate […]
5 Words That Crush Inspiration and What To Say Instead

There are two types of attitudes people support. The 1st says, “I’m waiting until I feel like taking action before I do something.” The 2nd says, “I’m taking action so that I feel like doing it!” One waits while the other wins.
Unless you realize your attitude about life is a choice rather than a result of your genetics or childhood, you will not believe it is a decision. Instead, you’ll tell yourself, “These are the facts, and you’re delusional if you think it’s anything else.”
3 Mesmerizing Steps For How To Make Your Dreams Come True Fast

Today I’ll discuss my 3 mesmerizing steps for how to make your dreams come true fast. As promised, here are the secrets to setting goals in a way that increases your odds of achieving them by 100%!
Are You Talking Yourself into Success or Failure?
Recently, I’ve shared how you must update your belief system to improve your life. One of the fastest ways of doing this is through improving your inner voice. To transform your life into the success you want it to be, you’ll need to take the megaphone from that bullying voice in your head and hand it to the supportive, inspirational, and motivational cheerleader who’s been silent far too long.
Here’s the first step in the process:
Formula for Attracting Success!
I know plenty of people who work hard, yet never seem to get ahead. I used to be one of them. Yet, many years ago I was introduced to the idea that if you spend more time “being” the person you want to be, you’ll attract what you most desire without having to chase it.
3 Tips For Feeling Fulfilled Today!
Have you ever felt like you were in a mental rut? Always doing the same thing day in and day out? Wasn’t life supposed to be different by now? If you’re feeling frustrated or bored, motivational expert Tim Shurr shares a simple 3-Step Strategy for Finding Fulfillment Today!
Little Things Make A Big Difference!
Just when you feel all the small acts of kindness you’ve taken the time to offer haven’t made any difference, you discover they did!
Small Steps, Big Results!
Ever feel like you’re working your butt off to achieve some goal and yet it doesn’t feel like you’re making the kind of progress you should be? I’ve felt that way and many others have expressed so as well.
We often feel like there is some BIG thing we should be doing that will finally get us to our desired goal, whether it’s looking and feeling better, having more financial freedom, etc.
Yet, the truth is there aren’t any BIG things we can do. Only small steps taken over a long period of time, with an attitude of relentless persistence, will get you to the promised land.
Mental Toughness Secrets of Indy Race Car Drivers!
1. Insight: Increase focus and avoid distractions. 2. Planning: Get familiar with the track and prepare yourself ahead of time. 3. Practice: Develop concentration and visualize success.