Back On The Road…

After stopping in Indiana for the week, I’m now back on the road, heading to Orlando for another adventure. So, I’m keeping this blog short. On Fridays, I provide “Office Hours” to all my students and graduates of my One Belief Away™ Hypnotist Certification and Practice Amplifier programs. We always start by sharing Wins and […]
The Dark Side Of Success (and A Silver Lining!)

You are an ambitious professional, small business owner, or goal-oriented achiever, right? And YET, what if: You still feel like you’re not as far along in life as you know you should be by now? And, maybe it also seems like, Even though you’ve never shied away from hard work ever; Always invested in yourself […]
What I Learned From 149 Millionaires

Over the last eight weeks, I hung out with 149 millionaires. For a small-town, blue-collar kid from northern Indiana, that’s an insane statement to make. But it’s not that shocking (okay, it’s a little surprising) because I’ve been obsessed with personal development and discovering the mental secrets and business roadmap for creating financial freedom and […]
Business Growth Hacks – Stop Casting A Wide Net!

Once upon a time, there was a young fisherman named Jack. He lived in a small coastal village and would go fishing every day. However, despite his efforts, he often returned home with an empty barrel. One day, Jack met an old fisherman who had been fishing for many years. The old fisherman saw Jack’s […]
The Future Is Here (& It’s Shocking!)

What’s Working Now Master Class “Practice Accelerator” Free Ticket! “The thing about AI is that it’s very hard to predict what the long-term consequences are going to be. It’s like the genie out of the bottle, you don’t know what’s going to happen.” – Jordan Peterson I spent the last two days in Las Vegas […]
How To Free Yourself From Compulsive Behavior

“I’m not sure if you can help, but we are desperate. I have an 11-year-old son who pulls at his eyelashes when he gets nervous. It got so bad last year that he pulled all his eyelashes out, and the kids at school teased him relentlessly. Now he’s having trouble going to school, and it’s […]
3 Ways To Go From Broke To Millionaire

Ever feel like you never have enough money? Some are born into families with accumulated wealth, but most grow up with just enough to pay the bills and put food on the table. My dad worked six days a week and often pulled doubles (two shifts) to earn $50k a year. The belief was that […]
3 Deadly Mistakes That Kill A Coaching Business

Being in the coaching and consulting business for 27 years, I’ve learned much about what makes or breaks personal/professional coaching, consulting, and network marketing businesses. The following three activities have kept me afloat through 9/11, financial market crashes, recessions, and a global pandemic, when 9 out of 10 coaching practices went out of business. First, you […]
How To Make Life More Meaningful

Ti and the other young boys ran through the forest and gathered around the fence that surrounded the Men’s Hut. Spirits were high as this year’s class of teenage boys would take the ceremonial trip into the mysterious Men’s Hunt, where the community elders reveal all the universe’s secrets. Wonder and anticipation filled Ti and […]
4 Communication Strategies That Strain Relationships At Work & Home!

In every conversation, you either strengthen or weaken the relationship with that person or team. According to a legendary family therapist, Virginia Satir, people develop five primary forms of communication in youth, four of which are dysfunctional! Here are the four types of dysfunctional communication styles. Placater – “As long as you’re okay, it’s all that […]