5 Ways To Create “Job Happiness!”
5 Ways To Improve Job Happiness
7 Sleep Habits That Cause Weight Gain!
Are you sitting there thinking, “Oh, crap. I do all of these!” Just change one of these things each week and you’ll effortlessly begin
sleeping better. Improving your sleep will definitely help you become the vibrant, attractive, healthy YOU!
7 Habits of Super-Organized People!
Do you wish you were more organized? Truth is most of us could do better. Here are 7 things you can do to make your day more organized and productive!
6 Life Lessons You Should Quickly Unlearn!
6 Life Lessons You Should Quickly Unlearn!
5 Tips For Kicking Butt During The Great American Smokeout! (Fox News)
5 Tips For Kicking Butt During The Great American Smokeout!
Tim Shurr Demonstrates How Stress Literally Weakens the Body!
To have Tim speak at your next event, please call 317-502-5293 or email Tim@TimShurr.com
Building A Team!
When a group of individuals go through a shared experience that is challenging, it bonds them in a special way. Plus, the way we play games resembles the way we play the game of life. Going through team building experiences like this can help you gain valuable insight as to how you approach issues like trust, team work, communication, leadership, and problem-solving!
3 Secrets For Achieving Your Most Outrageous Goals!
Human behavior expert, Tim Shurr, discusses three steps to maximizing your full potential!