Are you a workaholic?

For much of my professional life, I’d open my eyes in the morning and go straight to the laptop to work. Then, I’d see clients during the day, hang out with my family for a few hours, and when they went to bed, I’d head back to the laptop until I couldn’t think clearly. That […]
Ever feel like you never have enough money?

Ever feel like you never have enough money? Some are born into families with accumulated wealth, but most grow up with just enough to pay the bills and put food on the table. My dad worked six days a week and often pulled doubles (two shifts) to earn $50k a year. The belief was that […]
3 deadly mistakes that kill a coaching business

Being in the coaching and consulting business for 27 years, I’ve learned much about what makes or breaks personal/professional coaching, consulting, and network marketing businesses. The following three activities have kept me afloat through 9/11, financial market crashes, recessions, and a global pandemic, when 9 out of 10 coaching practices went out of business. First, you […]
Turning your pain into passion and purpose

Every hero movie, whether from the Bible, Disney, Marvel, etc., begins with an individual experiencing a traumatic event that sets them on a journey they never planned or even wanted. This individual is full of self-doubt, unworthiness, anger, or resistance and struggles with inner demons and adversity at every turn. After much struggle and a […]
Self deceived?

“I’d rather have my baby in the street than go into that death hospital!” Expectant mother The year was 1847, and the death rate of mothers delivering their new babies had risen to 18% at a hospital in Vienne, Austria. Obstetrician, Dr. Sememelweis, researched day and night for the cause of this extreme post-mortality rate […]
7 reasons entrepreneurs resist change

“Hypnosis. Really? That sounds like a bunch of BS to me. There’s nothing wrong. Besides, I’ve talked to head shrinks before, and all they want to do is talk about bad memories from the past. It doesn’t make anything better. Instead, I have to relive the past again, and that’s the opposite of what I […]
Join the 8%

To attain a goal, one must demonstrate courage. Courage is the emotion used to charge forward even when acquiring the desired outcome is not guaranteed. What stops people from being courageous is often not fear but conformity. Conformity is when the actions of your peer group influence how you show up in life. In simple […]
Why aren’t you upset?

“You’re in a new state where you don’t know anyone. It’s twice as expensive with gas still over $6 a gallon. You are under the threat of fires, earthquakes, monkeypox, and drought. There is no guarantee that you’ll find new speaking opportunities or celebrity clients. Doesn’t that upset you?” Client “Sure, but are you focusing […]
The Entrepreneur Way

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was […]
Do You Recognize These Circles of Behavior?

“I can’t seem to escape this cycle! First, I get excited about my new goal and by the end of the day I’m back to procrastinating and hating myself for it. I’ve done so much work on myself, and yet, I’m still battling the same lack of focus that I had ten years ago. Why do I keep procrastinating? What is wrong with me?”