Veterans, PTSD & Hypnosis

Growing up, I had two best friends named Tim.

That’s right; we were the 3 Tims. (kinda scary, if you knew me back then.) 🤣

I was co-captain on our high school swim team with one of the Tims. I’ll refer to him as “Timmer” because that’s what I called him.

How To Shift From Anxious To Resilient In 60 Seconds!

Anxiety is a dreadful emotion that turns your stomach into knots as worst-case scenarios play out in the theatre of your mind like horror movies. Running out of money, getting a divorce, battling illness, family turmoil, unfair circumstances, and even being homebound over the last year can all keep you tossing and turning in the middle of the night. 

5 Unique Stress Busters For Busy Professionals!

stress busters

What are your stress busters? Everyone’s busy, and it may feel like there’s “no time” to apply the common advice given for reducing stress. You might think, “Sure, I’d love to sit back and journal or take a long walk in nature and reflect. Yet, I’m buried with To-Do lists, emails and customer demands!”

Why Am I So Stressed?

Does it seem like everyone is stressed out these days? When you add heartbreaking terrorist attacks, heated political debates, and collapsing world economies to the pile of challenges we normally endure, why wouldn’t people feel anxious?

To make matters worse, the coping mechanisms most use to feel better, (prescription medicine, food, smoking, alcohol, shopping), often leads to further frustration! So what CAN you do to feel more safe and secure in such volatile times?

Easy Way To Boost Your Happiness!

Ever struggle to find joy or happiness when under the stress and pressure of daily living? Money, family, work, and the never-ending To-Do list can really weigh on us. Yet, the biggest challenge is learning how to identify the “life rules” we hold in the inner resources of our mind and to ensure they are good rules to follow!

2 Ways For Calming Your Anxiety

Long-term challenges (longer than 6 months) with anxiety affect at least 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older (18% of U.S. population). Anxiety is highly treatable, yet only about one-third of those suffering receive treatment.

In this segment, peak performance expert, Tim Shurr, MA, reveals two powerful mind techniques for quickly calming your worries and fears. Watch the video and follow along with the instructions.

Your Purpose is to Free Yourself from Mental Prisons!

Tim Shurr, MA, President of Shurr ! Success Seminars and Coaching provides a keynote to The Association of Psychotherapy and Hypnosis in London, England on October 27, 2013. This clip shares a metaphorical story of how people habitually get stuck in their comfort zones and how to escape these mental prisons of the mind!