Covid Fatigue is Real…

Unless you’re convinced that American’s never landed on the moon, 9/11 was a Hollywood stunt, and Covid-19 is a political hoax…

…you’ve been doing your part as a responsible citizen and staying home.

Besides going out for necessities, my family has been hanging out and working from home since the end of last March.

That’s a long time…

It wasn’t so bad at first because we are lucky enough to have a nice home and pool.

Yet, by the time January came around and it was too cold for most activities, we were feeling the stress.

Most everyone else is reporting the same.

People are drinking and smoking more, and quite a few people gained what they are calling the Covid 19! (gained 19 lbs)

Marriages are feeling more strained, siblings are on each other’s nerves, and we’ve watched every movie ever made.

Now that we are headed into the second week of February, I’d like you to take a long look at where your life is headed and if you’re happy about it?

Yes, there are many situations that are out of your control.

However, how you take care of yourself, your overall mood, and the goals you set and accomplish are most definitely within your command.

If you are an entrepreneur or business owner, how fast you pivot and grow your profitability is also within your grasp and I’ll be talking a lot over the next few weeks about how to grow your market share and make more money.

We could all use a little more cash these days and you’ll pick up some amazing tools, even if you aren’t an entrepreneur or business owner.

In the meantime, here’s a 5 Step Formula for keeping your sanity as we continue pushing through this pandemic.

I was recently interviewed by my friend Chris Salem, who has a great radio program on Voice America.

We talked about my One Belief Away book and how to use the proven formulas to improve your health, wealth, and peace of mind.

It was a fun conversation and you’ll enjoy putting the One Belief Away Method to work in your life!


Enjoy today…

Tim Shurr, MA

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