Business Growth Hacks – Stop Casting A Wide Net!

Once upon a time, there was a young fisherman named Jack. He lived in a small coastal village and would go fishing every day. However, despite his efforts, he often returned home with an empty barrel. One day, Jack met an old fisherman who had been fishing for many years. The old fisherman saw Jack’s […]

3 Ways To Go From Broke To Millionaire

Ever feel like you never have enough money? Some are born into families with accumulated wealth, but most grow up with just enough to pay the bills and put food on the table. My dad worked six days a week and often pulled doubles (two shifts) to earn $50k a year. The belief was that […]

3 Deadly Mistakes That Kill A Coaching Business

Being in the coaching and consulting business for 27 years, I’ve learned much about what makes or breaks personal/professional coaching, consulting, and network marketing businesses. The following three activities have kept me afloat through 9/11, financial market crashes, recessions, and a global pandemic, when 9 out of 10 coaching practices went out of business. First, you […]

5 Ways To Increase Team (and Individual) Productivity!

It was 9am on a foggy Monday morning when I walked into the conference room to observe a meeting with the leadership team. The company brought me in because there were numerous employee complaints about how they were treated poorly by their supervisors, which was negatively impacting employee productivity, engagement, and retention. They hired me […]

Self-Deception Holding You Back?

“I’d rather have my baby in the street than go into that death hospital!” Expectant mother The year was 1847, and the death rate of mothers delivering their new baby had risen to 18% at a hospital in Vienne, Austria. Obstetrician, Dr. Sememelweis, researched day and night for the cause of this extreme post-mortality rate […]

Ever feel like you never have enough money?

Ever feel like you never have enough money? Some are born into families with accumulated wealth, but most grow up with just enough to pay the bills and put food on the table. My dad worked six days a week and often pulled doubles (two shifts) to earn $50k a year. The belief was that […]

3 deadly mistakes that kill a coaching business

Being in the coaching and consulting business for 27 years, I’ve learned much about what makes or breaks personal/professional coaching, consulting, and network marketing businesses. The following three activities have kept me afloat through 9/11, financial market crashes, recessions, and a global pandemic, when 9 out of 10 coaching practices went out of business. First, you […]

Is Hanging Out At Home All The Time Making You Bonkers?

Unless you’re convinced that American’s never landed on the moon, 9/11 was a Hollywood stunt, and Covid-19 is a political hoax…

…you’ve been doing your part as a responsible citizen and staying home.

Besides going out for necessities, my family has been hanging out and working from home since the end of last March.

What’s Coming and How You Need To Prepare!

In one of my previous emails, I suggested reaching out to trusted mentors for advice on how to properly prepare for the next several months.

I took my own advice and reached out to Dr. Denis Waitley. He is a retired Navy fighter pilot who then became a leading authority on the topic of peak performance and mental toughness.