So, my wife and I were at this Hallmark store the other day, looking for a card to go with a gift we got. The place had that classic Hallmark vibe, you know? And we lost track of time playing with the various musical ornaments displayed, even though Christmas is eight months away.
Anyway, we picked out a card and handed it to the super-friendly young clerk at the counter. He bagged the card and printed the receipt, and instead of saying the usual “thanks” or “have a good day,” he said, “Have a good time!”

My wife and I smiled at each other and reflexively said, “You too.” As we walked to the car, we burst out laughing. It was such an unusual comment, and it still cracks us up when we recall it. In fact, my wife suggested I write a newsletter and blog about it, and since she is wicked smart, here we are.
I’m always thinking about newsletters because I write so many of them and seek wisdom, inspiration, or a bit of humor to share. (I hope you find all of those in this one.)
While driving home from the Hallmark store, I thought about what that clerk said. Are we really making an effort to have a good time? Or are we just going through the motions, getting caught up in all the daily stresses and worries?
Most are trying to just get through the next frustrating, scary, or upsetting situation. We are surviving each day with the kids, parents, work, spouse, chores, bills, health challenges, etc., rather than intentionally squeezing the JOY out of each day.
“Are you getting through the day or getting from each day?” Dr. Wayne Dyer
It was a bit of a reality check, honestly. We realized that sometimes we get so wrapped up in the daily grind that we forget to ENJOY the simple things in life. So, right then and there, we made a pact to make more of an effort to have a good time, to appreciate the little things, and to not let the small stuff get us down.
It’s funny how a simple phrase from a stranger can make you stop and think. It was like a nudge from God reminding us to slow down, have a grateful heart, and be intentional about bringing more FUN and laughter to our day.
So here’s to embracing those unexpected moments and finding joy in everyday activities. Instead of ruminating over all the events out of your control, think more purposefully about what you can bring to the present moment.
Then be playful, adventurous, creative, funny, silly, romantic, thoughtful, spontaneous, flirty, courageous, or whatever else you feel is currently missing from life.
You possess the ability to access any and all of those emotions and many more. So, decide to bring to the day what you want from the day and have a good time!
*Schedule a FREE hypnosis telephone consultation today: