7 Sleep Habits That Cause Weight Gain!

Are you sitting there thinking, “Oh, crap. I do all of these!” Just change one of these things each week and you’ll effortlessly begin
sleeping better. Improving your sleep will definitely help you become the vibrant, attractive, healthy YOU!

Your Purpose is to Free Yourself from Mental Prisons!

Tim Shurr, MA, President of Shurr ! Success Seminars and Coaching provides a keynote to The Association of Psychotherapy and Hypnosis in London, England on October 27, 2013. This clip shares a metaphorical story of how people habitually get stuck in their comfort zones and how to escape these mental prisons of the mind!

See How Smoking Prematurely Ages the Skin!

There are so many harmful effects caused by smoking that it’s hard to decide where to start listing them. From health complications after surgery to brain damage, and even inflicting harm on our pets, the list can go on. Smoking is also believed to contribute to skin aging, and now a new study on twins shows that smoking can indeed cause premature wrinkling and other characteristics of accelerated aging.

The Power Of Words!

I wrote the saying, but in different words.” The words you use to describe your experiences actually co-create the experience. Change your words and you will change your life!

3 Tips For Creating A Psychology Of Success!

3 Tips For Creating A Success-Oriented Attitude! 80% of success is attitude so how much time are you investing in developing your mindset? Spend more time developing yourself than anything else and you will go farther than you ever dreamed!