Veterans, PTSD & Hypnosis

Growing up, I had two best friends named Tim.
That’s right; we were the 3 Tims. (kinda scary, if you knew me back then.) 🤣
I was co-captain on our high school swim team with one of the Tims. I’ll refer to him as “Timmer” because that’s what I called him.
How To Shift From Anxious To Resilient In 60 Seconds!

Anxiety is a dreadful emotion that turns your stomach into knots as worst-case scenarios play out in the theatre of your mind like horror movies. Running out of money, getting a divorce, battling illness, family turmoil, unfair circumstances, and even being homebound over the last year can all keep you tossing and turning in the middle of the night.
How To Finish Strong!
Just a couple of weeks left in 2015, and it’s time to make them the best yet! Our motivational expert, Tim Shurr, says often “It’s not a lack of time or an overwhelming to do list that keeps us from reaching for our goals, although both those things can play a role. It really comes down to our subconscious fears!” Here’s what he says plays a factor and how we can break through the barriers to create the healthy, happy life we all deserve!
3 Tips For Feeling Fulfilled Today!
Have you ever felt like you were in a mental rut? Always doing the same thing day in and day out? Wasn’t life supposed to be different by now? If you’re feeling frustrated or bored, motivational expert Tim Shurr shares a simple 3-Step Strategy for Finding Fulfillment Today!
3 Tips For Bringing Passion Into Your Life!
We all want to live with more passion, and today, our motivational expect Tim Shurr, is sharing three strategies to help us do just that! Watch now…
Easy Way To Boost Your Happiness!
Ever struggle to find joy or happiness when under the stress and pressure of daily living? Money, family, work, and the never-ending To-Do list can really weigh on us. Yet, the biggest challenge is learning how to identify the “life rules” we hold in the inner resources of our mind and to ensure they are good rules to follow!
Can Your Language Be Ruining Your Life?
Can the way you talk be keeping you from living a happier, more fulfilling life? Communication expert, Tim Shurr, MA, says YES, and on today’s show, he shared tips for creating greater health, wealth, and peace of mind just by the way you speak!
3 Ways To Strengthen Your Willpower!
We constantly rely on willpower to resist temptations or complete tasks, but is it possible to actually run out of willpower? Some brain researchers and social psychologists believe we actually do start the day with a limited supply of willpower and slowly use it up over time. It’s one reason why you might find it difficult towards the end of the day to complete a project, get that closet organized, or resist those tempting snacks.
2 Ways For Calming Your Anxiety
Long-term challenges (longer than 6 months) with anxiety affect at least 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older (18% of U.S. population). Anxiety is highly treatable, yet only about one-third of those suffering receive treatment.
In this segment, peak performance expert, Tim Shurr, MA, reveals two powerful mind techniques for quickly calming your worries and fears. Watch the video and follow along with the instructions.
How To Keep From Stuffing Yourself Like A Turkey This Holiday!
Today on Indy Style Time offers up the best advice to keep from over doing it through the holiday’s. That advise includes paying attention to the labels when cooking. The typical Thanksgiving meal with pumpkin pie can have as much as 105 grams of sugar. That’s just for one meal!The recommended daily amount of added sugar per day should be approximately 37.5 grams according to the American Heart Association.