#1 Trait of Successful Sales Managers!”
By Tim Shurr, MA
The most influential sales managers have learned to be more transformational than transactional in nature. They realize that you “manage” things and “lead” people. General Schwarzkopf once said, “Tanks and planes don’t move themselves. It’s the people that make things happen. You manage the equipment and lead people.”
What’s the most effective way to lead others? By relating to them as people, rather than as obstacles or situations that must be dealt with in order to meet deadlines. Precision Management expert, Tim Shurr, MA, says, “Make people feel listened to, appreciated, and validated for their efforts and they’ll do just about anything to live up to your expectations!”
The secret to being a successful sales manager is to be “others-sorted.” This, by far, is the #1 trait of a successful sales manager and it’s what separates the best from the rest! Sales professionals are often promoted to Manager because they are excellent at selling. However, selling a product or service is very different from leading a group of sales professionals. In sales, you can rely on your own unique talents and personality quirks. Yet, when leading a sales team, you now have to rely on the talents and personalities of others, which any manager will tell you can be tricky.
Being “others-sorted” means intentionally focusing on others more than on yourself. Many managers are so wrapped up in their own tasks and agendas, they often forget that others live for that “pat on the back” from their boss. Some managers don’t need outside validation, so they don’t give it. Yet, the sales manager everyone looks up to is the one who’s constantly paying attention to, validating, and offering constructive feedback to those they lead. “The best sales managers know how to shine and help others shine! They step back from being the competitive father and take on the role of collaborative grandfather, which seems to make a huge difference” says Shurr.
Originally published October 28, 2014 in Docurated (Online Sales Resource Site). Original title was “24 Sales Experts Reveal #1 Trait of Successful Sales Managers” (and How It Helps Their Success.)