What does it mean taking The Road Less Traveled? For years, we’ve talked about the importance of constant and never-ending self-improvement. Because you live your life in your head, developing greater self-awareness, expanding your perspective, and discovering how to use the power of your mind to create your life by design is crucial if you want to feel happy, fulfilled, and successful.
If you’re unsure what I mean by “living life in your head,” it’s relating to the fact that you are not responding to outside events, but rather, to your subjective interpretation of those events. It’s your beliefs that cause you to react or respond, to freak out or remain calm, to get depressed or to become more driven in any given situation.
It’s not what happens in life, yet how you interpret what’s happening, that matters more than anything else. If something doesn’t go the way you want it to, you can learn from it and become stronger or you can be critical and throw yourself a pity party.
I’m not judging because I’ve done both. Some of my past pity parties were epic! That’s why I’ve worked so hard on myself over the years. Anger, insecurity, and fear do NOTHING but suck the life out of you. However, when you truly discover your inner worth and you actively work to bring more VALUE into the lives of others and yourself, it creates unlimited possibilities for joy, inner peace, and gratitude.
AND this is why I’m retiring…well not really retiring. More like making a very exciting and much-needed change! I believe one of the things that have made my life incredible is the willingness to leave my comfort zone time and time again. When people ask what the secret to success is, my response is often, “The more uncertainty you can handle, the more successful you WILL become!” Your DREAMS must become more important than your desire to feel safe.
I spent the first 35 years of my life trying desperately to feel safe. Yet, I still continued to take dozens of risks. God also gave me an amazing wife who was willing to push the boundaries even farther than I was and I still give her the credit for me going into business for myself. It was Stacey’s idea for me to turn a small room in our first apartment into an office, which over many years, transformed into one of the most successful hypnosis practices in the world! I’m definitely going to give her another BIG, grateful hug once I’m done writing this newsletter… 🙂

So, after 22 years of running multiple hypnosis offices, with the current one being, Indy Hypnosis Center, I’m stepping away for a while. Thus, if you need an appointment, you’ve got until the end of May.

It’s been a fantastic experience working with so many wonderful people and I’ve learned a tremendous amount from facilitating well over 10,000 hypnosis sessions in the last ten years. Yet, in order for me to make a larger difference in the world, I need to step away from seeing one person at a time and continue my journey as a leadership consultant and speaker. I‘m helping entire companies become more empowered, which is also improving marriages, families, and communities. 
Stepping away from my practice will give me more time to provide YOU will all the cutting-edge human performance strategies I’ve been acquiring over the last 3 decades. You’re going to get more webinars, videos, articles, and training materials that will help you take your health, wealth, and happiness to extraordinary levels! 
I’m really looking forward to serving you MORE over the next few months. In the meantime, thank you very much for being a part of my Shurr ! Success family and we’ll talk soon…

20 Responses

    1. Thank you Jennifer! I appreciate your kind words and I hope the next chapter of your life is amazing as well! 🙂 Tim

  1. Good for you Tim!! All the best! Sounds like a good direction for you and the world!

  2. May God continue to Bless your new endeavors. I can certainly proclaim that a few words from you can change a person’s life forever. We only need to “Get Out of Our Own Way”. I have achieved my previous goals and continue to pursue new goals and opportunities. My Very Best to you Always!!!

    1. Thank you for the kind words Faith. I’m sure you will accomplish your new goals as well! 🙂 Tim

  3. Wow, sounds like an exciting change! I congratulate you on once again stretching yourself and moving in new and adventurous ways! I’m happy for you and wish you continued success in your new endeavor.

    1. Thank you John! I’m sure wonderful blessings will continue you find you as well… 🙂 Tim

    1. Thank you Kim! You’ve always been very supportive. I hope the sun always shines upon you… 🙂 Tim

  4. Dear Tim,
    I am so grateful for the confidence you helped me achieve. When my husband became seriously ill nine years ago, it was important I learn to drive a car. He had previously done all the driving. I was deathly afraid of driving. Your hypnosis sessions I signed up for in Merrillville, IN helped me tremendously. My husband died over seven years ago and I have the confidence I was lacking for so many years, thanks to you. I wish someone you’ve trained would open an office in Northwest Indiana again.
    I use information I learned from you to help me with my art business.
    Thank you for making such a difference in my life. Best Wishes – Maryann Bodnar Bartman

    1. Thanks for the kind words Maryann. I’m super proud of YOU for remaining courageous all of these years! I hope you and your art business continue to receive many blessings… 🙂 Tim

  5. Congratulations & best wishes for “Shurr” success in your new endeavors. Miss those fun BNI days. Stop in the store if you ever come through Merrillville.

  6. Wow you just don’t stop do you? That right there should be all the inspiration the rest of us need. You will succeed at that the way you have at everything else. Congratulations on your new adventure!

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