My conversation with the wise philosopher, Lao Tzu

Lao Tzu quote

Since age 21, I’ve turned to the wisdom of great people who have sought a deeper understanding of how to feel inner peace in a tumultuous world. One such leader who lived in the 6th century BC was Lao Tzu, a Chinese philosopher who founded Taoism. He wrote the classic book Tao Te Ching, which […]

Embracing Your Authentic Self: Overcoming Insecurities on Video Platforms

Insecurities on video platforms are very common.

In today’s digital age, video platforms like Zoom, Facetime, and social media have become integral parts of our daily lives. While these platforms offer convenient ways to connect with others, they can also trigger feelings of insecurity and self-doubt, especially when it comes to seeing ourselves on camera. In this article, we’ll explore common insecurities […]