5 Ways Diets Destroy Motivation (and How You Can Break Free of the Diet Trap)

Simply put, diets suck; they don’t work and can actually harm your physical and emotional health. That’s the bad news. The good news is that you can break free of the “diet trap” and retrain your brain to overcome self-sabotage and help you live healthier, happier and with more energy. But first, you’re probably wondering why I say diets are so bad for you. Here, from my e-book Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind, are five simple, but important reasons to stop dieting so you can start down the path toward healthier living:

What If You Found A Magic Wand?

My business strategist and I have been having long discussions about how to help more people unlock their inner magic and potential. It’s SO frustrating to watch people being pummeled by violent news stories, ridiculous politicians, massive amounts of stress, and paralyzing insecurity. People are being negatively manipulated on a global scale and it’s heart-breaking.

“When Do I Get To Be Happy?”

I’m 45 years old now. Half way there, if I make it to 90. I woke up with two thoughts. “What will the rest of my forties be about?” and “Do I have a say in the matter?”

5 Ways To Get Lucky!

I looked out my window this morning and noticed it was cloudy and raining. Then a thought popped into my mind, “A rainbow is coming…”

No matter how dark and gloomy the day may be, the sun is still shining. We just can’t see it. This is a good thing to remember as you pursue your goals and dreams.

Brain-Training Secrets of Olympic Athletes!

With the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics well underway, millions of spectators are marveling at the physical skill and talent of the athletes competing in the Games.

But behind these athletes’ physical feats is an arguably even more impressive mental prowess cultivated through years of training the mind to tune out distractions, reduce stress and anxiety and build the focus and stamina they need to achieve optimal performance. In fact, it’s not a stretch to say that great athletes succeed because they know how to stay at the top of their game mentally.

The Power Of Words!

I wrote the saying, but in different words.” The words you use to describe your experiences actually co-create the experience. Change your words and you will change your life!

3 Tips For Creating A Psychology Of Success!

3 Tips For Creating A Success-Oriented Attitude! 80% of success is attitude so how much time are you investing in developing your mindset? Spend more time developing yourself than anything else and you will go farther than you ever dreamed!