Do You Have a Champions Mindset? I Learned This From Tommy Hopkins

If you have been a realtor or a business owner over the last three decades, you’ve likely heard of Tom Hopkins. He’s one of the most successful sales trainers of all time. Tom dropped out of college at 19 and got into real estate. His first mentor took him to a California neighborhood three miles […]
Overcoming The Fear Of Fear

If you live in the US, I hope you had a great 4th of July last week! Today’s note of inspiration… We’ve all experienced that sudden rush of dread, the pit in our stomachs, and the quickening heartbeat. Fear is a universal human experience but becomes a constant companion for some, even when there’s no […]
Are You Obsessed With Running Out Of Money?

I’ve battled the fear of running out of money for much of my adult life, and being a business owner has only increased the pressure and uncertainty. Even when developing mental toughness and the self-discipline to face whatever challenges continually come my way, that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach still occasionally hits […]
10 Tips For Being An Awesome Dad

In honor of Father’s Day, here are 10 tips for being a great dad! 1. Be Present! This one is #1 for a reason. Put down your phone, turn off the TV, and give your kids your full attention and energy when you’re with them. If you don’t have enough energy after work to give your […]
Healthy Skepticism Is Wise In A World Full Of Bad Advice

Knock-knock-knock-knock-knock… That was the sound the engine in my car made as I completed my road trip from Los Angeles to Orlando. Before making the 3,000-mile journey, I went to a Jiffy Lube in California to get my oil changed and was concerned that perhaps they hadn’t added enough oil as the knocking sounded like […]
Back On The Road…

After stopping in Indiana for the week, I’m now back on the road, heading to Orlando for another adventure. So, I’m keeping this blog short. On Fridays, I provide “Office Hours” to all my students and graduates of my One Belief Away™ Hypnotist Certification and Practice Amplifier programs. We always start by sharing Wins and […]
Are You Playing To Win Or Not Lose?

I just completed the first 30 hours of my 48-hour drive from Hollywood to Disney World. If you haven’t read my posts lately, I’m in the middle of moving one of my offices from Los Angeles to Orlando. My home and business are based in Indiana, and I arrived here at 1 a.m. this morning. […]
Have A Good Time!

So, my wife and I were at this Hallmark store the other day, looking for a card to go with a gift we got. The place had that classic Hallmark vibe, you know? And we lost track of time playing with the various musical ornaments displayed, even though Christmas is eight months away. Anyway, we […]
Life is anything but boring…

Last month, I shot my portion of an upcoming movie, Zero Limits, which will be released on Amazon and Apple TV in January 2025. I was also interviewed on a few podcasts and did a Los Angeles talk show with my new friend Shari, the delightful host, which will air on cable and Apple TV […]
Freedom from Anxiety Series | OBA Method vs. Cognitive Behavioral (Talk) Therapy
When it comes to personal growth or improving mental health, the standard and most recognized form of professional treatment is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), otherwise known as “talk therapy.” The Conscious Solution: CBT Method At the frontline of traditional psychotherapy, CBT provides a structured approach to identifying and challenging negative thought patterns. This widely acclaimed […]