How top business leaders attain goals

It was 9am on a foggy Monday morning when I walked into the conference room to observe a meeting with the leadership team. The company brought me in because there were numerous employee complaints about how they were treated poorly by their supervisors, which was negatively impacting employee productivity, engagement, and retention. They hired me […]

3 Steps For Dealing With Rude Parents

(To watch the One Final Mission webinar replays, click here.) “That haircut looks stupid and if nobody else is going to tell you, I will.” “You can’t let your kids get away with that behavior. You need to know how to discipline them.” “You keep eating like that and your weight is going to get […]

Why Sarcasm Destroys Relationships

Sarcasm refers to the use of words that mean the opposite of what you want to say, especially to insult someone, convey irritation, or as an attempt to be humorous. An example of sarcasm is saying “they really got it together” to describe a disorganized group or team. Here are other examples that perhaps you’ve […]

Setting Effective Boundaries

I was asked to answer questions for a group of brilliant professionals in Canada this week.

Their book club is reading my One Belief Away book, which is awesome!

One of the questions was, “how do you set boundaries with people who are negative or takers (always taking, but never giving back)?”

Own Your Attitude!

Before becoming a famous movie director, James Cameron started his career as a special effects modeler.

He was a brilliant designer and also a perfectionist to the extreme.

5 Words That Crush Inspiration and What To Say Instead

There are two types of attitudes people support. The 1st says, “I’m waiting until I feel like taking action before I do something.” The 2nd says, “I’m taking action so that I feel like doing it!” One waits while the other wins.

Unless you realize your attitude about life is a choice rather than a result of your genetics or childhood, you will not believe it is a decision. Instead, you’ll tell yourself, “These are the facts, and you’re delusional if you think it’s anything else.”

Are Your Words Empowering Or Destructive?

Are you focused on the outcome you want? Or does your internal communication emphasize what you’re wanting to avoid?
These an important questions because whatever you focus on, you move towards!

How To Be An Influencer Without Power, Authority, Or A Title!

I’ll be speaking again (virtually) at the Indiana State SHRM Convention. Attendees have the opportunity to ask pre-conference questions about my topic of Becoming An Influencer! I received an excellent question and wanted to share my answers with you!

“Tim, the ability to influence without official power or authority is more important than ever. Do you have any pre-conference tips before we attend your session?”

My response…

Do You Have These 5 Leadership Blind Spots?

blind spots in leadership

Leadership blind spots. We all have them, and yet, it’s challenging to recognize and upgrade them on your own because we can’t see them. Hence the word “blind.” Peak performance coach, Scott McFall, once said, “You can’t see the label when you’re in the bottle!”

Below are a few collective leadership blind spots the majority of leadership and management teams struggle with today.