Overcoming The Fear Of Fear

If you live in the US, I hope you had a great 4th of July last week! Today’s note of inspiration… We’ve all experienced that sudden rush of dread, the pit in our stomachs, and the quickening heartbeat. Fear is a universal human experience but becomes a constant companion for some, even when there’s no […]
5 Tips for Breaking the Happy Hour Habit!
5 Tips For Breaking The Evening Cocktail Habit!
See How Smoking Prematurely Ages the Skin!
There are so many harmful effects caused by smoking that it’s hard to decide where to start listing them. From health complications after surgery to brain damage, and even inflicting harm on our pets, the list can go on. Smoking is also believed to contribute to skin aging, and now a new study on twins shows that smoking can indeed cause premature wrinkling and other characteristics of accelerated aging.
Having Difficulty Breaking Bad Habits? Watch This Pro In Action!
Bob Newhart did a classic skit where he was a highly paid psychotherapist. I always found this funny because some of it seemed so accurate. There’s nothing worse than someone telling you what you should do without also telling you how to do it!