“Am I going to run out of money?”
My heart was racing!
I glanced at my iPhone… 3AM
“Ugh! Now I’m going to be exhausted as well.” 🙁
Did you have any sleepless nights worrying about what the future might hold in 2020?
I certainly did.
Fearful thoughts about my business, family, and other people’s health around the world looped through my head countless times.
When the pandemic started getting more news coverage in March 2020, I thought it was interesting that the whole world seemed to be slowing down.
Since we were being advised to stay home, I stopped driving to the office.
At the time, I admit it felt like a much-needed vacation.
But then the number of deaths continued increasing, and I started realizing this wasn’t going to blow over.
My wife said we were going to be dealing with this pandemic for the next three years.
I quickly shrugged that idea off because OMG, what would that do to my speaking business?
Looking back, she was right as usual.
On many occasions, I’d get up after a night of tossing and turning, head into my new make-shift home office, and sort through various bank and credit card accounts thinking..
“Ok, if I move money here, I can cover this bill. And if I change this payment, I can cover that bill.”
Suddenly, I heard Denis Waitley’s voice in my head.
He, and a few other incredible mentors, had been giving me advice on how to get through these difficult times, and I was so grateful.
“Always pay your mortgage payment first. You need a place to live,” said Denis.
Then my upset, frustrated inner voice chimed in.
“I’m fifty years old. I can’t believe I’m still worried about paying my damn bills!
But how was I supposed to know the world was about to turn upside down by a pandemic?”
I recalled a movie with Dustin Hoffman titled, Contagion. It was a good movie.
I didn’t realize it was a prophecy of what 2020 would be like for all of us.
I might still be freaking out if I didn’t have so many extraordinary friends that have been weathering storms like this for forty plus years, offering support and guidance.
Incredible souls like Patricia Fripp.
She’s been empowering me to feel more comfortable working with the high-profile celebrities who are participating in my virtual Legend Summits.
Admittedly, I went through many emotions when first meeting my favorite bestselling authors and motivational speakers.
These were the top legends in the personal development industry, and I was chatting with them over the phone like we were old friends!
I went from knowing them as a fan to understanding their personality as a trainer (it’s hard for me to take my personality profile hat off sometimes.)
Then I became an event organizer and had to figure out how to balance the schedules of 17 super successful and in-demand legends.
Jim Cathcart and Don Hutson are two incredible human beings, and impressively successful authors and Hall Of Fame speakers.
They participated in my first Legend Summit and returned for the 2nd Legend Summit that occurred in January 2021.
They’ve been mentoring me on making the Summit more rewarding for attendees, which is also helping me bring more value to clients in my private practice.
Also, the delightful Barry Shore has been mentoring me to reach more people with my new book, One Belief Away, which finally released on Amazon.
Barry built and sold two multi-million dollar companies by the age of 30, and Oprah Winfrey chose his philanthropic organization as “one of her favorite things!”
It would be nice if Barry would just give me a million dollars. Yet, he’s giving me a million dollars worth of advice and inspiration.
This approach is much more valuable because in helping me know how to become financially independent even during a pandemic, I’ll be able to teach many others how to do the same.
Empowering educators has a powerful impact on the world, which is why I’m so excited about sharing what I’ve been learning from these incredible mentors throughout the year!
I could go on more about the sage advice I’m gaining from friends like JV Crum, III, who’s helping me shift self-sabotaging beliefs.
Or, Les Brown, who was the first to inspired me to pursue my crazy idea of launching a Legend Summit last spring.
The point is that I’d be in a terrible mental state without the help of these trusted mentors.
I’ve felt alone for most of my life when it came to creating and running my business.
My wife, Stacey, is my best cheerleader, and her high ethics have helped me run a private coaching practice with a 4.8-star rating for the last 27 years.
Her parents have also been there for me every time I moved into a new office location, whether staying up all night while we painted walls or building desks trying to get ready for a Monday morning opening.
Or they’d watch our boys while Stacey and I purchased another round of comfortable recliners for the office.
We’ve bought at least 15 recliners over the years. I’ve got two for sale right now if you want one.
But other than Stacey and her folks, I’ve been on my own all that time.
Thankfully, I discovered you could receive mentoring from successful people, even if you didn’t personally know them through reading or listening to their books.
I listened to every audiobook I could get my hands on from people like Brian Tracy, Ken Blanchard, and Zig Ziglar.
They all talked about the importance of hiring coaches and having mentors in your life.
When I got the idea to host a Legend Summit back in July 2020 where I’d bring these living legends together for a 2-Day live stream event, I wasn’t sure it was even possible.
Yet, Mark Victor Hansen (sorry for all the name dropping) told me his secret to success was to boldly ask for whatever he wanted.
So I took his advice, did a lot of bold asking, and the Legend Summit became a reality!
You now have the opportunity to also be personally mentored by 18 of the most amazing people on the planet who will help you live happy and make dreams come true!
Our 1st Legend Summit was spectacular, and those who attended were spell-bounded by how AWESOME the 2-Day training was!
I’ve added the link if you’d like to access the Replay videos. I highly recommend doing so! Use coupon code SAVE50 to save $50.
Then, I’ve hand-picked 17 more extraordinary Legends for our 2nd Legend Summit, who have been at the top of their game for decades!
Our Legends included Ken Blanchard, Dr. John Demartini, Linda Larsen, John Assaraf, Tony Alessandra, Rebecca Zung, Steve Sims, Dan Kuschell, Marilyn Sherman, Barry Shore, and Tom Ziglar!
I’ve also brought back Legends from our 1st Summit who received the highest reviews like Patricia Fripp, Jim Cathcart, Don Hutson, Michael Hauge, Ford Saeks, and Dr. Joe Vitale.
You can watch the replay of that summit here: https://www.legendsummit.com (This link will get you to the lowest price available)
The world’s best business and personal development authorities are assembling to help ignite your business growth and fuel your soul with inspiration and motivation!
I hope you see how incredible this opportunity is and that you’ll share it with your friends and family on social media as well. (Give them the coupon too!)
There are going to still be many tough times ahead.
Yet, having incredible mentors to coach us through the bleak times and make all the difference.
Also keep in mind that not everyone is struggling with their business.
Many of my clients saw what was coming and quickly pivoted and now they are having some of their best years ever!
I’ll share what they are doing another time.
For now, thanks for reading this and I hope 2021 is your best year yet!
Love and laughter,
🙂 Tim