Once upon a time, a girl around 14 approached her wise grandmother and asked, “Do you ever get scared?” Her grandmother smiled and replied, “Sure, everyone gets scared.”
Visibly upset, the teen asked, “How do you deal with it? I can’t stop thinking about all the bad things that could happen.”
Her grandmother replied, “Child, two wolves live in our minds. One is a bad wolf. It wants us to be afraid and tries to hold us back by conjuring dreadful images and thoughts. The bad wolf wants us to be small and remain in our comfort zone by reminding us of all the injustices that have happened, and could occur again, if we attempt to make life better.
The other is a good wolf. It wants us to be courageous, shine brightly, and expand our comfort zone to grow and experience more of life’s joys. The good wolf encourages taking chances because only through experience can you gain the wisdom and confidence to know you can handle anything that comes your way. That is where inner security and peace of mind come from. These two wolves are constantly battling in your mind.”
Curious, the teen asked, “Grandmother, which wolf will win? The good wolf or the bad wolf?”
Seizing the opportunity, the grandmother looked deep into her eyes and, with great conviction, said, “The one you feed, child. Because that one will be the strongest!”
As you know from all the emails, I’ve been working for months on my Practice Accelerator, Practice Amplifier, and One Belief Away™ Certification programs.
The bad wolf in my head says, “Why are you putting so much effort into this when nobody will show up anyway? People complain about their situation but do little to change it, so why are you working so hard for these people? You’re just setting yourself up for disappointment again.
Go back to growing your practice. It’s what you know. Besides, why would you give all your secrets to strangers who will take them and run? Or worse, now you’ll have better-trained competition! This idea of building an Army of Healers is dumb, and you’re wasting time trying to make this world better by teaching others how to build successful practices. The world doesn’t want to change, and people are too afraid to do what it takes for them to succeed anyway. So focus on making yourself richer and forget about helping others win.”
Then the good wolf steps forward and says, “Everything you’ve experienced up to now has prepared you for this moment. All the ups and downs, breakthroughs and heartbreaks, and wisdom you’ve acquired have equipped you to be the tip of the spear for elevating the personal development industry.
You finally have all the pieces in place because of your willingness to charge forward into the unknown without a safety net and no backup plan. Your decision to believe in yourself and your dreams and to pursue them fervently despite fears of running out of money, unworthiness, and not being smart enough has unlocked doors of opportunity and success that would not have opened any other way.
At this very moment, your light is attracting those who also have GREATNESS within them and are enthusiastically ready to join you on this much-needed mission to end needless suffering for millions of people. Some have already raised their hand and said, “I’m in.” Others will do so today, and many more will follow because they also want a life filled with meaning, purpose, and joy. So ignore the bad wolf and KEEP GOING!”
Every time the bad wolf thinks, “What if it doesn’t work out?”
The good wolf in my head says, “What if it DOES work out and it’s the BIG break I’ve been reaching, working, and praying for?”
I keep feeding the good wolf by following my coach’s advice, hanging out with like-minded people who are heading in the same direction, and listening to my Millionaire Brain Tapes every day.
Which wolf are YOU you feeding?
What are you doing to feed it each day?
🙂 Tim Shurr
Certified OBA Hypnotist™