Self deceived?
“I’d rather have my baby in the street than go into that death hospital!” Expectant mother The year was 1847, and the death rate of mothers delivering their new babies had risen to 18% at a hospital in Vienne, Austria. Obstetrician, Dr. Sememelweis, researched day and night for the cause of this extreme post-mortality rate […]
Why aren’t you upset?
“You’re in a new state where you don’t know anyone. It’s twice as expensive with gas still over $6 a gallon. You are under the threat of fires, earthquakes, monkeypox, and drought. There is no guarantee that you’ll find new speaking opportunities or celebrity clients. Doesn’t that upset you?” Client “Sure, but are you focusing […]
The Entrepreneur Way
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was […]
Do what you hate!
A popular notion surfaced over the last decade that you shouldn’t do anything you don’t want to do. Perhaps that’s why we now have an employee shortage across the country. Of course, encouraging the idea of avoiding challenging tasks is ridiculous. How can you accomplish difficult, worthwhile goals without showing up, even when you don’t […]
3 Steps For Dealing With Rude Parents
(To watch the One Final Mission webinar replays, click here.) “That haircut looks stupid and if nobody else is going to tell you, I will.” “You can’t let your kids get away with that behavior. You need to know how to discipline them.” “You keep eating like that and your weight is going to get […]
Why Sarcasm Destroys Relationships
Sarcasm refers to the use of words that mean the opposite of what you want to say, especially to insult someone, convey irritation, or as an attempt to be humorous. An example of sarcasm is saying “they really got it together” to describe a disorganized group or team. Here are other examples that perhaps you’ve […]
What To Do When Nothing Is Working!
“I can’t handle this stress anymore! No matter what I do, nothing is working. I’m spending money like crazy, I can’t work any harder, and have no idea what to do next! It feels like I’m dying inside.” Those were my thoughts back in 2002 when I lost my first office because there wasn’t enough […]
Living Authentically?
Several times per week, I sit in the parking lot outside my youngest son’s jujitsu class, and while he’s learning how to put me in another chokehold or armbar, I write books and newsletters.
In a busy house with two teen boys, the only quiet time is usually in the car or the smallest room in our home. But the seat in there isn’t as comfortable. 😉
Own Your Attitude!
Before becoming a famous movie director, James Cameron started his career as a special effects modeler.
He was a brilliant designer and also a perfectionist to the extreme.
Do Less Better!
High-achievers focus on a single priority and move everything else to the side, including checking emails.
They train themselves to solve one problem with passion instead of multitasking or trying to do it all. Think laser beam, not a floodlight.