Brain-Training Secrets of Olympic Athletes!
With the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics well underway, millions of spectators are marveling at the physical skill and talent of the athletes competing in the Games.
But behind these athletes’ physical feats is an arguably even more impressive mental prowess cultivated through years of training the mind to tune out distractions, reduce stress and anxiety and build the focus and stamina they need to achieve optimal performance. In fact, it’s not a stretch to say that great athletes succeed because they know how to stay at the top of their game mentally.
Hypnosis in USA Today!
Hypnosis is back in USA Today and getting lots of positive attention! Read the full article below!
I read this article and want to throw in my two cents since I’ve been a full-time consulting hypnotist for 27 years.
5 Tips For Quitting Smoking (Fox News) Tim Shurr
5 Tips For Kicking Butt During The Great American Smokeout!
5 Tips For Kicking Butt During The Great American Smokeout! (Fox News)
5 Tips For Kicking Butt During The Great American Smokeout!
See How Smoking Prematurely Ages the Skin!
There are so many harmful effects caused by smoking that it’s hard to decide where to start listing them. From health complications after surgery to brain damage, and even inflicting harm on our pets, the list can go on. Smoking is also believed to contribute to skin aging, and now a new study on twins shows that smoking can indeed cause premature wrinkling and other characteristics of accelerated aging.
Two-Minute Video Will Leave You Feeling Refreshed and Revitalized!
This relaxing video will relax your body and fill your mind with lots of positive affirmations!
Stanford University and Stanford Hospital Endorse Hypnosis!
Dr. David Speigel, MD is a very well known researcher and proponent of hypnosis! Enjoy his commentary on alternative medicine.
Diane Sawyer Gives Thumbs Up To Medical Hypnosis!
Recent study shows benefits of Medical Hypnosis include: less pain, shorter stay in hospital, reduced recovery time, and saves money!
Hypnosis In Dentistry! Discovery Channel Special…
The Discover Channel shows how cutting edge dentists use hypnosis for painless dental surgery!
I’ve had clients who where terrified of the dentist go through entire root canals or bridge work as though they were on a wonderful vacation!
Hypnosis can shut off saliva and blood flow. Your mind is AMAZING! See for yourself…
Celebrities Love Hypnosis!
My friend George put this video together some time back! Thought you might enjoy seeing just how many celebrities have used and are still using hypnosis! Adele and Kate Middleton are the latest celebs. Oprah’s life coach also uses hypnosis.
If people who have access to any modality on the planet are seeking out hypnotists, it’s smart that you do the same!