Most people are unwillingly dragged into changing. Why is that?

Unfortunately it seems most grow (mature) against their will. Oh sure, people will gladly tell you what they want, and sometimes, admit they really need it. Yet, when pushed to actually commit, the majority hesitate!

I was most definitely in that crowd. I really did want to discover self-confidence, succeed in business, and make my relationships more loving and supportive. Yet, I spent much more time sabotaging myself, supporting negative beliefs, and complaining about not getting the right breaks or feeling motivated.

People buy motivational books but don’t read them. They hire coaches but then avoid calling them. They attend seminars looking for growth, but when challenged, immediately validate their original beliefs while building a case against the facilitator.

I decided if this thing called SELF-SABOTAGE was the only factor standing between success and failure, happiness and heartbreak, I had to find a way to overcome it!

Twenty-four years later, here’s what I’ve observed.

1) People are afraid to change. We’ve unconsciously linked PAIN to growth. PAIN to our goals, and more specifically, to what we think it will COST us to achieve those goals.

2) People have unconscious beliefs that keep them stuck and because you are unaware of them, you can’t change them! If you’ve ever felt blocked but couldn’t put a finger on why you felt this way, now you know.

3) Self-Pity and Anger are good drugs! They can make you feel great while destroying your life. If these two emotions didn’t allow us to feel justified or powerful, even if just for a few moments, then why do we gravitate towards them so easily and regularly?

4) Instead of hanging around, celebrating, and modeling others who are doing well, we become jealous, envious, or irritated with them. For comfort, we choose to hang around those who can “better understand” and appreciate our challenges. This is like stepping into quicksand because you need a hug.

I know what you’re thinking, “Wow, what a motivating article!” Motivating? Perhaps not. Truthful? 100% Uncomfortable? Maybe. Does that matter? Hell no!  If you’re life isn’t the way you want it to be and you’re waiting for a comfortable time to change it, that time will NEVER come.


Tony Robbins once said the Formula for Happiness is when:

How You Think Life Should Be = (EQUALS)  How You’re Life Is

The Formula for Unhappiness is when:

How You Think Life Should Be  – (Does Not Equal) How Life Is

The Formula for Suffering is when:

How You Think Life Should Be  – (Does Not Equal) How Life Is

and you believe there’s nothing you can do about it!


I’ve also observed VERY GOOD NEWS! 

If you want these things, REGISTER NOW for either the Hypnosis or NLP training’s. They are both enlightening, empowering, and transformational! You owe it to yourself to have the best possible life! These programs will help you make that happen!

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