"Unlock Peace Within: Escape High Stress, Nightmares & PTS - No Meds, No Counseling, No VA Visits Needed!"

Take The 1st Step In Re-Claiming Your (Mental/Emotional) Freedom In This No-BS, Result-Producing Experience For Active Duty & Retired Veterans (& Spouses) Seeking IMMEDIATE RELIEF from Any Shit Holding You Back From Living Life More Peacefully! 

OCTOBER 17, 2023 / 7PM-8:30PM EST
Scholarship Level – Only $97 (Reg $450)

One Final Mission - Step #1 - Awakening

After serving your country with honor and courage, you’ve faced the harsh realities of life post-combat. We understand the unique struggles you endure because we’ve been through it too. When we discovered there is a way out that’s fast, painless, and it actually works, we had to get it to our brothers and sisters who are still searching and in need.

Attend If You’re Dealing With Any of The Issues Below:

❌ Nightmares and Flashbacks: Reliving traumatic experiences makes it impossible to find peace, sleep, or move forward.

❌ Overwhelming Stress: The weight of past memories and anxiety about the future can be paralyzing.

❌ Isolation: Feeling disconnected from loved ones and society is a painful side effect of PTSD.

❌ Emotional Turmoil: Unpredictable anger, sadness, and frustration can strain relationships and daily life. If left unchecked, it will also tear apart marriages and families, which produces generational wounds.

❌ Loss of Purpose: Transitioning from military to civilian life often leaves a void that’s difficult to fill. That void must be filled with newfound purpose and mission. Perhaps you’ll join our movement once you’ve experienced your own personal breakthrough.

Listen to this special message from One Final Mission team leader, Joe Teske


🔥 “This is just another bullshit program that isn’t going to work for me.” That’s what we thought to, but we were wrong. In fact, it helped us so much that we got Certified in the One Belief Away™ Method. But don’t take our word for it. Find out for yourself by just taking the first step. If it isn’t for you, that’s fine. But what if it actually worked? That’s worth taking the shot and finding out, isn’t it?

🔥 “I’ve done therapy through the VA and it didn’t help at all.” The One Belief Away™ Method is not traditional therapy – it’s a revolutionary new approach that frees people from their mental prisons. We aren’t going to repeatedly talk about the bad shit you’ve been through. Instead, we will upgrade the beliefs in your unconscious mind so your brain stops replaying all the bad memories in your head.  

🔥 “I’m too proud to ask for help” (Or, “It’s a sign of weakness.”) We understand, but seeking support is an act of strength, not weakness. In the military, you are taught to rely on the men to your left and right, and not to go solo. It should be the same after serving as well.

🔥 “I’m too strong-willed or stubborn for you to get in my head.” Actually, that’s your brain trying to protect you, and we can use that to your advantage. We are trained to be tough and push through. “Take a knee and drink water.” Taking advantage of more effective tools to complete this one final mission is how you demonstrate strength and determination now.

🔥 “This is just my lot in life, and that’s how it is.” Nope. That’s how you feel because of what you’ve been through. We didn’t think it would get better either, or that we even deserved it. But when you experience your Awakening, all that will change, and you’ll see how much better life can be for you and those you love.

Listen to this special message from One Final Mission team leader, Josh Kempf

"Top 5 Gains Experienced Through Your Awakening!"

✅ Immediate Relief: Say goodbye to nightmares, gut-wrenching stress, and emotional turmoil, as you experience rapid relief from PTSD symptoms.

✅ Improved Relationships: Reconnect with your loved ones and regain a sense of belonging and connection.

✅ Peace of Mind: Enjoy mental and emotional freedom, finally living life more peacefully.

✅ Empowerment: Regain control over your emotions and reactions, empowering yourself to navigate life’s challenges without having to self-medicate or withdraw.

✅ Purpose Rediscovered: Rediscover a new sense of purpose and passion that takes your life in a new and unexpected direction that becomes a blessing in your life!

Don’t let the burden of PTSD define your future. Reclaim your peace of mind and start living life more peacefully today.

Your Group Leaders For The Awakening!

veteran freedom from ptsd

Joshua Kempf
Retired Army - Sergeant 1st Class Certified One Belief Away Hypnotist

Joseph Teske
Retired - Army Intelligence Analyst
Certified One Belief Away Hypnotist

Listen to this special message from Dr. Chad Costantino – Navy SEALs Chaplain and Producer of the Hit Movie, Waiting On The Warrior

The Painful Effects of PTSD Are Real

Although Veterans are tough and have been trained to operate in life-threatening situations, returning to civilian life after combat might be even more difficult.

When your primary objective is to defeat bad guys and protect the brother or sister on your left and right, it creates a bond that’s hard to find anywhere else.

But then, after repeated traumatic exposure or being seriously injured, you return home and find yourself battling internal demons by yourself.

Loved ones will try to help, but they can’t understand what’s always going on in your head. So, after a while, we think that maybe everyone would be better off if they didn’t have to deal with our mood swings, distancing, temper, or substance issues. As a result, too many of us make a permanent decision in a temporary situation, and that has to stop now!

Veteran USA Sad Eyes Expression Looking Left

"Why Is My Brain Constantly F-king With Me?"

Free Your Mind

When going through a traumatic experience, your brain forms unconscious beliefs about what those events mean without your permission or awareness.

Those unconscious beliefs are often negative and sabotage one’s confidence, ability to relax or sleep, and any chance at feeling inner peace.

Because these beliefs are unconscious, most never get to the root of what’s holding them back, which is why therapy often fails to produce sustainably desirable results.

Many take medication, but pills do not change or improve beliefs or emotional habits.

The OBA (One Belief Away) Method finds and upgrades your biggest fears and negative beliefs within 30-minutes.

When combined with deep relaxation and hypnotic suggestion, the results are extraordinary, almost instant, and lasting!

You Are Home, But Not Done Yet!

You have One Final Mission if you choose to accept it. Whether you’ve been seeking effective treatment for many years or are requesting assistance for the first time, we have an outstanding solution GUARANTEED to produce desirable outcomes.

During our upcoming live program, you’ll be led through a transformational One Belief Away Experience called The Awakening!

It’s designed to free you from the biggest obstacle holding you back from living life more peacefully.

During this life-changing 90-minute online group coaching program, you’ll experience the 1st step in our deeply healing One Belief Away Method.

It will almost immediately improve how you think, feel, and behave each day. Significantly improve your quality of life and make the rest of your life the BEST of your life. Enroll now!

Veteran USA Drinking PTSDweb
©2023, Shurr Success, Inc. All rights reserved

Individual Results Will Vary From Person To Person. This program is intended for educational purposes only.